DeveloperCodingGuideline - Maproom/qmapshack GitHub Wiki

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Coding Guideline

No one likes them but it helps to read and maintain the code. Thus please stick to them:

  • Indentation is 4 spaces
  • Brackets are on a new line each:
    if(item == nullptr)
  • Use camel case with first character lowercase on variables.

    int n;
    int maxBrownFoxes;
  • Use the Qt types (qreal, quint8, qint8, etc) exclusively, as all other definitions might not be portable.

  • Use the Qt wrappers for C/C++ API (qAbs(), qMin(), etc) exclusively as all other definitions might not be portable.

  • Classes start with a capital 'C'

    class CMyClass
  • Base (interface) classes start with a capital 'I'

    class IItem

    class CMyItemX : public IItem
        // I think you get the idea.
  • Structures are lowercase and have a trailing '_t'
   struct my_funny_data_t
  • Enumerations are lowercase and have a trailing '_e'. Enumeration items start with a 'e' and are camel case. It helps if the enumeration name is repeated in the item.
   enum my_enum_e

With introduction of c++11 it's also fine to use enum stuct|class. In that case the naming is:

    enum class MyEnum
  • Use the override keyword where ever appropriate. When using GCC 5.1 and more recent the compiler will throw a warning. This is important because it prevents us from producing some nasty bugs.

  • As we use the keyword override we do not have to use virtual, too. This is just redundant and of no real use anyway.

  • Use const keyword on methods. Best practice is to use right on the spot for every method. And remove it the moment the method really alters the object's data.

  • Use nullptr for checking pointers against null, avoid using 0 or NULL for pointers

  • The use of QStringLiteral is kind of depreciated. On a PC system with a lot of memory and a powerful CPU the benefits are quite negligible. On the other hand side it spams the code, making it more tiring to read. Additionally the QT API is not very homogeneous in supplying overrides strictly for const QString& or const char *. You have to figure it out for each API method. That is why we drop the use of QStringLiteral. But of course if you use literals in a quite frequent or large loop the use of QStringLiteral is recommended.

  • All signals defined in the project have to start with sig, e.g. sigChanged()

  • All slots defined in the project have to start with slot, e.g. slotItemDoubleClicked()

  • Use Clang-Tidy and Clazy. All pull requests will be tested with these tools. They won't be merged on warnings unless it's definitely a false positive. QtCreator has support for these tools. Use Analyze - Clang-Tidy and Clazy to check all files you changes. Don't start a full scan as it takes hours.

  • Use Clang-Format to auto-format files you are editing. There is a .clang-format definition in the project root.

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