Tutorial LE3 From zero to DLC weapon rebalancing - ME3Tweaks/LegendaryExplorer GitHub Wiki

https://imgur.com/a/cNBPFet With images ^

This is a quick little guide for someone who barely knows anything about the tools and just wants to be able to tweak the standard values on all of the weapons in the game

Install ME3Tweaks Mod Manager Beta https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/2

Select Legendary Edition at the top right corner, select LE3 in Mod Library tab on the left

Go to Tools -> Generate new DLC mod (Starter Kit) -> Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition

Fill out each of the red fields, there's tooltips for what values are acceptable for things like mount ID

Back at the mod library page, right click your new mod and open the mod folder

Back at the mod library page again, go to Tools -> Legendary Explorer (Nightly, at the moment)

Select the Extract & Repack tab at the top

Select the "CSD" Coalesced Decompiler, select browse on the top dialog box

Navigate to your mod's folder ...\ME3TweaksModManager\mods\LE3\My New Mod\CookedPCConsole

Select your mod's .bin file (Default_DLC_MOD_...).bin

The bottom box will auto populate a folder path to unpack the .bin to, located in the same folder as the .bin

Click convert at the bottom right

Open the BioWeapon.xml file in the new folder that was just unpacked (Notepad ++ recommended)

Replace the single line with


In the Coalesced Decompiler,

Navigate to \Mass Effect Legendary Edition\Game\ME3\BioGame\DLC\DLC_CON_GUN01 and select the Default_DLC_CON_GUN01.bin

Open the Default_DLC_CON_GUN01 folder

Open the BioWeapon.xml

Copy any weapon values you want, starting at <Section name= and ending at into your mod's BioWeapon.xml, in between the



Make your modifications

Save your mod's BioWeapon.xml file

In the Coalesced Decompiler,

Select browse on the top dialog box, open your mod's unpacked folder, and select Default_DLC_MOD_MyModsInternalName.xml

Press convert

A new .bin with that .xml's name will be created in your mod's unpacked folder

Copy and paste this bin into your mod's CookedPCConsole folder and overwrite

Return to ME3Tweaks Mod Manager

Select your mod in the mod library, and hit apply mod at the bottom right corner

Voila! You should see your changes in game

Other DLC weapons' values are located in BioGame\DLC: DLC_HEN_PR DLC_EXP_Pack003 DLC_CON_GUN02 And of course, base game weapon values are located in BioGame\CookedPCConsole\coalesced.bin, and changes to those values can be performed the same way, by pasting their sections into your DLC BioWeapon.xml

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