How To Change Hair, Eye, and Skin Color for NPCS - ME3Tweaks/LegendaryExplorer GitHub Wiki
Changing hair, skin, and eye color for most NPCs is a relatively simple procces that does not require any texture editing. In this tutorial, we will use Miranda and Kelly as examples.
Lets say we want to give Miranda blonde hair during her third Citadel meetup. First, we need to find the relvant pcc which is BioD_CitHub_Miranda. Open the file with Package Editor afterwards.
We than have to go to her hair material. This material is called HMF_HIR_PROMiranda_Mat_1a. For major named NPCs like Jack and Miranda you can just go the material for their unqiue hairstyle. However, for non major NPCs or NPCs with non unique hairstyles like Kelly, the process is somewhat different. This will be expanded upon below.
Once you get to the hair material, you must open the vector paramater values in the interpreter. There you will see values called Highlight1Color, Highlight2Color, and HED_Hair_Colour_Vector. HED_Hair_Colour_Vector is the main color. The highlights are for highlights. Open these three up and then open up their parameter values. There you will see RGB values. To change the hair color, you have to change these values. I'm going to input the values of 2.62 (R) 1.92(G) and 1.2 (B) because I already know that it will produce the blonde color that I want for this tutorial. You will have to find the RGB values yourselves if you want different colors for any reason.
The reason Miranda's hair looks so bright is because the values I entered were quite high and because I didnt change the highlight colors.
To change eye color. Find the eye material and repeat what was done above. This time you are changing the Eye_Iris_Colour_Vector value.
Note: For major NPCs like Miranda, changing skin color via vector parameter values is not possible. This is because her textures themselves were made with a specific skin tone in mind.
As stated above, non major NPCs or NPCs without unique models, like Kelly, operate under a slightly different system. When I have time to finish this tutorial, this will be elaborated upon.