Units - MCDMFG/KingdomsAndWarfare GitHub Wiki

The unit sheet contains all of the details you need to run warfare. You can add unit traits via drag/drop or by entering text manually. Rolls can be initiated by double clicking or drag/dropping from the ATK, POW, MOR, and COM fields.

Unit Sheet

Targeting with Attack and Power Tests

Attack and power tests can target other units (just like NPC attack and damage rolls can). The simplest way to do this is to drag the die from the attack or power field and drop it on the token you want to target. Doing so will cause the roll to compare to the target's defense or toughness, and if the roll is a success, the target is dealt the correct damage automatically.

unit targeting

Diminished Units

When a unit is diminished, the system will automatically roll a morale test for that unit. On a success, nothing happens. On a failure, the unit suffers 1 casualty. Additionally, the "Diminished" condition is added to the unit if it is in the combat tracker.

Certain Effects can allow units to roll diminish tests with advantage or disadvantage, or automatically pass them no matter the roll result.

diminishing units


The simplest way to attempt to rally a unit is via the big Rally button on the unit sheet (only visible with the unit is not being edited). If the unit is placed on the combat tracker, you can only attempt to rally if the unit has the "Broken" status condition. Rallying will cause the unit to roll a morale test to rally. On a success, the unit loses its "broken" status and gains the "rallied" status. On a failure it loses its "broken" status and gains the "disbanded" status.

Certain Effects can allow units to roll rally tests with advantage or disadvantage, or automatically pass them no matter the roll result.


You can also initiate a Rally test via Martial Advantages.