Effects - MCDMFG/KingdomsAndWarfare GitHub Wiki

Effect syntax is the same as used elsewhere in Fantasy Grounds:

  • For effects that modify a value, use the following syntax - "Modifier: Value(s)"
  • For conditions, simply enter the condition name in the effect line by itself.
Modifier Value Notes
ATK Number Attack tests
DEF Number Defense
POW Number Power tests
TOU Number Toughness
MOR Number Morale tests
COM Number Command tests
DMG Number Damage - both attack and power tests
ATKDMG Number, Dice Damage - Only for attack tests
POWDMG Number, Dice Damage - Only for power tests
ADVTEST Attack, power, morale, command, diminished, rally, harrowing, battle magic Advantage on test
DISTEST Attack, power, morale, command, diminished, rally, harrowing, battle magic Disadvantage on test
GRANTADVATK Grant advantage on attack tests made against this unit
GRANTDISATK Grant disadvantage on attack tests made against this unit
GRANTADVPOW Grant advantage on power tests made against this unit
GRANTDISPOW Grant disadvantage on power tests made against this unit
GRANTADVDIM Targets damaged by units with this effect have advantage when rolling for diminishment
GRANTDISDIM Targets damaged by units with this effect have disadvantage when rolling for diminishment
AUTOPASS Attack, power, morale, command, diminished, rally, harrowing Automatically succeed on tests
POWERDIE Number Sets the value used by PDIE
PDIE See Using Power Dice Uses value from POWERDIE effect
RESIST Number, infantry, cavalry, artillery, aerial Resist damage from unit types. Enter a number value to specify flat damage reduction. Ex. RESIST: 1 infantry
VULN Number, infantry, cavalry, artillery, aerial Vulnerable to damage from unit types. Enter a number value to specify flat damage addition.
IMMUNE Number, infantry, cavalry, artillery, aerial, attack, power Immune to damage from unit types
ACID Number Deals damage every round. Damage equals the effects duration. Enter number to specify damage per token. Ex. ACID: 2
BLEED Number Deals damage every round. Damage equals the effects duration. Enter number to specify damage per token. Ex. BLEED: 2
FIRE Number Deals damage every round. Damage equals the effects duration. Enter number to specify damage per token. Ex. FIRE: 2
POISON Number Deals damage every round. Damage equals the effects duration. Enter number to specify damage per token. Ex. POISON: 2
Fearless Immune to harrowing
Broken Can be rallied
Disbanded Cannot be rallied
Rallied Cannot be rallied
Hidden Attacking units have disadvantage
Weakened Disadvantage on power tests

Conditional Effects

Some effects only work if either the active unit or their target meets some condition, for these, you can use the IF and IFT conditional effects.

What both these functions do is test a condition and if it is found to be true then the next part of the statement will be carried out, otherwise it will be ignored.

Let’s take the example IF: diminished; ADVTEST: power. What this is saying is that if the unit on which this effect is placed is diminished then they will have advantage on power tests, otherwise nothing happens.

The difference between the two components is that IF looks at the source (i.e. the creature on which the effect is sitting) whilst IFT looks at the target of the creature on which the effect is sitting.

Not only can IF and IFT test conditions (such as diminished, rallied, weakened, etc.) but they can also test for unit types, unit ancestry, and compare casualties. Below is a list of uses for IF and IFT

  • Conditions (diminished, rallied, weakened, etc)
  • If the target has fewer casualties than the unit - IFT: stronger;
  • If the target has more casualties than the unit - IFT: weaker;
  • Unit type - IFT: TYPE(artillery);
    • Options: infantry, artillery, cavalry, aerial
  • Unit ancestry - IFT: ANCESTRY(undead);
    • Options: human, dwarf, elf, orc, goblinoid, undead

Power Dice

For effects relating to the use of Power Dice, see the page Using Power Dice for more details.

You can stack multiple conditions to get even more specific. Ex. IF: diminished; IFT: TYPE(infantry, cavalry); GRANTDISPOW. This effect is only active if the unit is diminished AND the unit is being attacked by an infantry or cavalry unit. If both of those are true, then the attacking unit has disadvantage on power tests against this unit.