Harrowing - MCDMFG/KingdomsAndWarfare GitHub Wiki

Harrowing is a unique trait that this extension handles automatically for you. Per the rules, a unit that attacks a harrowing unit must pass a morale test in order for the attack to continue. This extension handles that by looking for the "Harrowing" trait on units.

If the target of an attack test has the Harrowing trait, the attack is put on hold while the attacker rolls a morale test with the appropriate DC. On a successful morale test the attacking unit gains the "Fearless" condition and the attack is automatically rolled. If a unit fails the morale test, they gain the "Harrowed" condition, and their attack is not rolled. Units with the Fearless condition do not roll morale tests for Harrowing.

Certain Effects can allow units to roll harrowing tests with advantage or disadvantage, or automatically pass them no matter the roll result.

Failing a Harrowing Check

harrowing fail

Passing a Harrowing Check

harrowing success