Fortifications - MCDMFG/KingdomsAndWarfare GitHub Wiki

After setting up rank markers on a battlemap, you can also set up the battlemap to automatically track defense and power bonuses granted by fortifications.

On the Warfare Markers window, you can create new fortifications, set the defense, power, and morale bonuses for that fortification. To specify what tokens are used for which fortifications, you can drop tokens from the Assets window onto the fortification.

IMPORTANT: Fortifications MUST have unique tokens. If you re-use tokens for multiple fortifications, the system WON'T WORK

Fortification Bonus


There are a lot of edge-cases around fortifications. The extension handles it very simply. If a unit is in the same space as a fortification, they get the defense bonus. If that unit is artillery, they also get the power bonus.

Morale bonuses are NOT tracked, and must be handled manually. Additionally, if a unit and their target are both in the same fortification, the system WILL add bonuses, even though the rules state otherwise. Handling these edge cases is currently impossible due to limitations Fantasy Grounds has on extensions.