Groups OrgUnits, Indicators, Data Elements, etc. - LogicalOutcomes/DHIS2-FAQ GitHub Wiki


  • Create Groups in DHIS2 for OrgUnits, indicators, Data Elements, and other objects in DHIS2


  • Click Here to see a walkthrough video from the Online Curriculum that is related to this task.

  • Whether it be OrgUnits, Indicators, Data Elements etc., Groups can be useful for aggregating similar types of data belonging to the Group. Groups represents the level or category type along a dimension and facilitate filtering and analyses. For example, an OrgUnit Group can be villages, cities, Native reserves and so on.

    • Creating Groups also allows for a more efficient reporting process when selecting OrgUnits, Indicators, Data Elements etc. for a report.
  • Data Element Groups are disconnected from the data values, so editing a Group does not affect the underlying data.

    • Important: Data Elements must be within a Data Element Group to be selected within the GIS mapping app.


Step 1: Go to the 'Maintenance' app:


Step 2: There are many items that can be grouped in DHIS2, namely; OrgUnits, Data Elements and Indicators are the most common ones. All groups are created in a similar manner - to create or edit a group go to one of the following links within the Maintenance app:

a. Click the blue '+' button at the top right of your screen and you will see a screen like the one below (Data Element Group page shown);

b. Fill out:

  1. Name

  2. Short name (identical to 'Name'). Note that 'Short name' must be 50 characters or less.

  3. Double-click the items you want to add to the Group. You can select multiple OrgUnits with 'Shift+click' or 'Ctrl+click'.

  4. NOTE: It is important to have every Data Element in at least one group, otherwise you will not be able to use them in a GIS map report.

  c. Click 'Save' at the bottom of the screen to save your new Group.