Groups OrgUnits, Indicators, Data Elements, etc. - LogicalOutcomes/DHIS2-FAQ GitHub Wiki
- Create Groups in DHIS2 for OrgUnits, indicators, Data Elements, and other objects in DHIS2
Click Here to see a walkthrough video from the Online Curriculum that is related to this task.
Whether it be OrgUnits, Indicators, Data Elements etc., Groups can be useful for aggregating similar types of data belonging to the Group. Groups represents the level or category type along a dimension and facilitate filtering and analyses. For example, an OrgUnit Group can be villages, cities, Native reserves and so on.
- Creating Groups also allows for a more efficient reporting process when selecting OrgUnits, Indicators, Data Elements etc. for a report.
Data Element Groups are disconnected from the data values, so editing a Group does not affect the underlying data.
- Important: Data Elements must be within a Data Element Group to be selected within the GIS mapping app.
Step 1: Go to the 'Maintenance' app:
Step 2: There are many items that can be grouped in DHIS2, namely; OrgUnits, Data Elements and Indicators are the most common ones. All groups are created in a similar manner - to create or edit a group go to one of the following links within the Maintenance app:
a. Click the blue '+' button at the top right of your screen and you will see a screen like the one below (Data Element Group page shown);
b. Fill out:
Short name (identical to 'Name'). Note that 'Short name' must be 50 characters or less.
Double-click the items you want to add to the Group. You can select multiple OrgUnits with 'Shift+click' or 'Ctrl+click'.
NOTE: It is important to have every Data Element in at least one group, otherwise you will not be able to use them in a GIS map report.
c. Click 'Save' at the bottom of the screen to save your new Group.