rp!setprop - LikeLakers2/mettaton GitHub Wiki

This command is admin-only.


rp!setprop <character name/ID> <field> <text>/delete


Parameter name Description Optional? Default
<character name/ID> The character name or ID to edit. Must be your own unless you are admin. No
<field> The field to edit. This is case-insensitive if the field already exists, otherwise the field name is added exactly as you specify it. No
<text>/delete The text to add to the field. If you specify delete here, the field will be deleted! No


Manages the properties of a character. Properties are fields locked to admins that show info about a character, such as its owner ID (internally called ownerid) and it's approval status. Default properties of a page are charid (uneditable even by admins), ownerid, and Status.

Only admins may edit properties of a character.

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