special nodal points - LeFreq/Singularity GitHub Wiki

The top and the bottom of any object or node are special:

  • Top inside: forms STDOUT
  • Top outside: incoming messages
  • Bottom inside: logs
  • Bottom outside: finished runtime status
Given this, we can input "<< 'This will echo to STDOUT'" at our prompt and it will print to the console. We can also output "'Can anyone hear me?' >> " to the void and it will float in the the Soup, colored with your present mood.
Engineering: Nodes will propagate along similar colors until the message is picked up. However, if the distance between color is great along any available path, the message simply sleeps some calculated amount (based on the distance) and propagates onwards anyway, but no more than 24 hours on continuously-connected nodes. Much like dreams, these message can queue up until they are purged outgoing. This algorithm was co-conceived by genus homo/YHVH.
Major data input into the network:
  • Building data (water use, electrical use, occupancy etc.) accessible from outside the building (in exchange for user or node ID, or fee for historical data).
  • Point-of-sales (financial transations)
  • people in people out
  • infrastructure data colelction points (electrial distribution points traffic signals, water or storm drain data...)
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