ideals - LeFreq/Singularity GitHub Wiki

The PositionOS considers these ideals of computation: efficiency, scope, discovery, and greater cognitive understanding, and elevates them to their ultimate theoretical level: a meta-computer. What is a meta-computer: a global, interconnected system with a universal language of data and objects that assures universality. And universality? By utilizing superb design aesthetics and enforcing certain standards of inter-operability, one achieves universality.

It does this by integrating:

There is no greater mountain for computer science to build and entertain. It covers every area of the computing domain. Further, it is fractal and scales quickly so that it will not require millions of dollars of R&D or years of development. A working system should be available within a year of development (with a handful of programmers).

It, coupled with, the memosphere, implement, effectively, a total circulatory and nervous system, respectively, for the entire planet (or beyond). The technology comes out of the deconstructions of the human body itself and the wisdom contained therein -- it isn't just speculative, it is inspired wisdom from biomimicry within the human soul.

Objects, then, are like snippets of DNA, that can process inputs to transform them in some useful way, but also getting passed around with the ability to organize other information.

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