GROUP - LeFreq/Singularity GitHub Wiki



GROUP [name] [(node1,] | [{innode,]
Name(innode, outnode, clonenode, getstatenode) Name{innode,

Establishes a named group on your System populated by the optional node list. If the node-list is omitted, then Singularity will output the list for the group-name if found, otherwise returns an appropriate message. Objects can be created with the second style, giving the subobjects for the four methods in standard objects. Owned methods would be sub-objects until you get to functions as a base case.

If GROUP is used without a name a BEEP is sounded by the system OR a 4-list (is given? of base objects) consisting of the base definition for each method-type: << and >> combine to form LINK and % and ? combine to form ().? Groups can be MSGd to. Owners of a group can? set behavior of incoming messages (moderation, for example)?

XXXWork out if this is a fractal of object creation (composed of subobjects, as either methods or children from inheritance). If it is, then owners of a group can set behavior also sets security issues for the object.

Once you have a GROUP/object, then LINK, RUN, CLONE probably do the rest.

Relat3d pages:
  • Group is related to %CLONE, in that at the base case an empty clone forms a (empty?) group.

See also:
  • Names PeopleOntology.Groupname
  • LINK -- GROUP is related to LINK, vertical vs horizontal connectedness.
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