_categories.ANTIAIR - LOUD-Project/Git-LOUD GitHub Wiki

70 units have the ANTIAIR category.

brmt1expd Pen: Tech 1 Microwave PD/AA Defense
brnt1expd Mayor: Tech 1 Gatling Defense System
brot1expd Mizura: Tech 1 Multirole Point Defense
uaa0102 Conservator: Tech 1 Interceptor
uab2104 Seeker: Tech 1 Anti-Air Turret
ual0104 Thistle: Tech 1 Mobile Anti-Air Gun
uas0102 Shard: Tech 1 Attack Boat
uea0102 Cyclone: Tech 1 Interceptor
ueb2104 DA1 Railgun: Tech 1 Anti-Air Turret
uel0104 Archer: Tech 1 Mobile Anti-Air Gun
ura0102 Prowler: Tech 1 Interceptor
urb2104 Tracer: Tech 1 Anti-Air Turret
url0104 Sky Slammer: Tech 1 Mobile Anti-Air Gun
xsa0102 Ia-atha: Tech 1 Interceptor
xsb2104 Ialla: Tech 1 Anti-Air Defense
xsl0104 Ia-istle: Tech 1 Mobile Anti-Air Gun
brmt2epd Anode: Tech 2 Adv. Shielded PD/AA
brot2epd Daelek: Tech 2 Advanced Multi-role Point Defense
brpat2figbo Uhthesinn: Tech 2 Improved Interceptor
dea0202 Janus: Tech 2 Fighter
dra0202 Corsair: Tech 2 Fighter/Bomber
sea0212 Raptor: Tech 2 Combat Fighter
sra0212 Dioscuri: Tech 2 Combat Fighter
uab2204 Marr: Tech 2 Anti-Air Flak Artillery
ual0205 Ascendant: Tech 2 Mobile AA Flak Artillery
ueb2204 Air Cleaner: Tech 2 Anti-Air Flak Artillery
uel0205 Sky Boxer: Tech 2 Mobile AA Flak Artillery
urb2204 Burst Master: Tech 2 Anti-Air Flak Artillery
url0205 Banger: Tech 2 Mobile AA Flak Artillery
xaa0202 Swift Wind: Tech 2 Combat Fighter
xsa0202 Notha: Tech 2 Fighter/Bomber
xsb2204 Sinnatha: Tech 2 Anti-Air Flak Artillery
xsl0205 Iashavoh: Tech 2 Mobile Anti-Air Cannon
balk003 Redeemer: Tech 3 Mobile Missile Anti-Air
belk002 Cougar: Tech 3 Mobile Rapid-fire AA Cannon
brlk001 Bouncer: Tech 3 Mobile Missile Anti-Air
brmt3lzt Trilobyte: Tech 3 Amphib. AA/Support Tank
bsl0009 Hala Uyanah: Tech 3 Elite Lightning AA Tank
bslk004 Uyanah: Tech 3 Lightning AA Tank
saa0313 Helios: Tech 3 Penetration Fighter
sal0320 Armillary: Tech 3 Mobile Anti-Air Defense
sea0313 Tomcat: Tech 3 Penetration Fighter
sel0324 NG3 Longbow: Tech 3 Mobile Anti-Air Defense
sra0313 Twilight Patron: Tech 3 Penetration Fighter
srl0320 Slink: Tech 3 Amphibious Anti-Air Defense
ssa0313 Ialosaare: Tech 3 Penetration Fighter
ssl0320 Atha-Ythia: Tech 3 Mobile Anti-Air Defense
uaa0303 Corona: Tech 3 Air-Superiority Fighter
uab2304 Transcender: Tech 3 Anti-Air SAM Launcher
uab3304 Marriss: Tech 3 Heavy AA Flak Battery
ual0310 Vindicator: Tech 3 Mobile Defense Unit
uea0303 Wasp: Tech 3 Air-Superiority Fighter
ueb2304 Flayer: Tech 3 Anti-Air SAM Launcher
ueb3304 Nailer: Tech 3 Heavy AA Flak Artillery
ura0303 Gemini: Tech 3 Air Superiority Fighter
urb2304 Myrmidon: Tech 3 Anti-Air SAM Launcher
urb3304 Sky Net: Tech 3 Heavy AA Flak Artillery
wel0309 Banisher: Tech 3 Heavy AA Tank
wrl0309 Python: Tech 3 Mobile Anti-Air Tank
xel0308 Hermes: Tech 3 Amphibious SAM Launcher
xsa0303 Iazyne: Tech 3 Air-Superiority Fighter
xsb2304 Iathu-ioz: Tech 3 Anti-Air Defense
xsb3304 Sinnatha Hu: Tech 3 Heavy AA Flak Artillery
bea0402 Citadel Mk.2: Citadel II Aerial Fortress (Defense)
sea0401 AC-500 Centurion: Experimental Medium AA Gunship (Gunship)
seb2402 Mummy: Experimental Anti-Air Defence
vab2302 Apparitioner: T4 SAM Launcher
veb2302 Flayer II: T4 SAM Launcher
vrb2302 Sky Bloom: T4 AA Gun
vsb2302 Tuvatham: T4 SAM Launcher
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