Page Index - LCAS/RBT1001 GitHub Wiki
46 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Introduction to Robotics (RBT1001) - workshops materials
- Syllabus
- Week 1:
- Introduction to ROS2 (PC based - INB1101)
- Week 2:
- Design a robotic system in ROS (PC based - INB1101)
- Week 3:
- Direct and inverse kinematics (Tutorial - INB1101)
- Week 4:
- Programming robots in ROS (PC based - INB1101)
- Week 5:
- Programming and control of a real robotic manipulator (Lab based - INB1101)
- Week 6:
- Differential kinematics and Planning (Tutorial - INB1101)
- Week 7:
- Review of: Programming and control of a real robotic manipulator (Lab based - INB1101)
- Week 8:
- Robot simulation and programming (PC based - INB1101)
- Week 9:
- Joint trajectory
- Week 10:
- Using the gripper and putting everything together
- Week 11:
- Week 12:
- Connect to the real robot
- Control the real robot with ROS code
- Euler Angles ‐ Direct and Inverse Problems
- Implement Forward Kinematics and Coordinate Transforms
- Implement inverse kinematic for the tiago arm
- Implement Trajectories with ROS
- Introduction to URDF
- Model a 4 DOF SCARA robot
- Model a 6DOF industrial manipulator
- Preparation Materials ‐ week 1
- Preparation Materials ‐ week 2
- ROS2 Gazebo Joint Trajectory Planning
- ROS2 and Gazebo
- Setup your workstation
- Simulation final assessment with simple and incomplete example code
- Solve Inverse and Direct Kinematics Problems
- The ROS TF tree
- Trigonometric Identities Cheatsheet
- Use MoveIt 2 for Inverse Kinematics
- Using ROS from the command line
- Write your first ROS node