Glow Mushroom Stew - KxmischesDomi/MushroomAdditions GitHub Wiki

Glow Mooshroom Stew

Glow Mushroom Stew
Rarity Color Common
Renewable Yes
Stackable No
Stackable No
Restores 6 ( )
Status effects Glowing (0:30)

Glow mushroom stew is a food item that can give the player a glowing effect for a short time.



Glow mushroom stew can be obtained by "milking" a glow mooshroom with an empty bowl. This is accomplished by using a bowl on a glow mooshroom. The bowl gets replaced by the glow mushroom stew item. There is no cooldown for doing so.

If a stack of more than one bowl is used on a glow mooshroom, only one bowl is consumed, and the glow mushroom stew goes into an empty inventory slot, or is dropped if the player's inventory is full.

If the glow mooshroom was colored by feeding a flower previously it will give this color over to the glow mushroom stew.

See Milking Glow Mooshroom.


Ingredients Crafting recipe
Glow Mushroom +



To eat glow mushroom stew, press and hold use while it is selected in the hotbar. Eating one restores 6 ( ) hunger and 7.2 saturation and gives the glowing effect for 30 seconds. The glow mushroom stew can also be used on all other mobs but doesn't give food or health.

The bowl is returned to the player empty after the glow mushroom stew has been eaten, and can be reused to craft more, similarly to mushroom stew, rabbit stew and beetroot stew.

If the glow mushroom stew was colored by a glow mooshroom that color will be applied to the glowing effect. The colors can be mixed on glowing entities the same way it is done with flowers and glow mooshrooms by drinking other glow mushroom stew while the glowing effect is still active. The effect does not get longer when eating more stew.

See Milking Glow Mooshroom.

Consuming glow mushrom stew is the only way to obtain the Glowing effect without taking damage.


Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Colormatic Drink a colored Glow Mushroom Stew Husbandry Consume a Glow Mushroom Stew obtained by a Glow Mooshroom that was colored before using flowers mushroom_additions:husbandry/drink_colored_glow_stew
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