Page Index - KillzXGaming/Switch-Toolbox GitHub Wiki
37 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Releases
- Setup
- Table of Contents
- Editors (For All Formats)
- Mario Kart 8
- Pokemon Let's Go & Sword/Shield
- KCL (collision)
- Layout (UI)
- Game Specific Tutorials
- Custom Mario Odyssey Kingdoms
- Development
- Adding or Editing KCL Material ID Presets
- Baking a Light Map (Blender)
- Baking Ambient Occlusion (Blender)
- BFFNT: Replacing font textures
- BFLYT Editing
- BFRES : Model Importing (Rigged, 3DS MAX)
- BFRES : Texture Editing
- BFRES: Custom Texture Animations
- BFRES: Material Editing
- Development : Adding New File Formats
- Development : Custom Texture FIle Format
- Dvelopment : Custom Model File Format (Rendering)
- Importing a Mario Kart 8 WiiU and Deluxe Custom Kart
- KCL Editing
- Merging meshes (3DS Max)
- Pokemon Let's Go & Sword Shield : Model Importing
- Pokemon Let's Go & Sword Shield : Texture Edits
- Porting Wii U Switch mods
- Smoothing Multiple Meshes
- Texture Editing (All Supported Texture Formats)
- Using Toolbox