player quick start guide - Kieranator/BadArma GitHub Wiki

#Install 0. Install ARMA3

  1. Download and install the newest Teamspeak version.

  2. Enable Push To Talk in Teamspeak and set a PTT button, do not use Caps Lock.

  3. Start the game once!

  4. Install swifty:

  5. In swifty, open settings:

    • Set max parallel downloads to 10
    • Ensure your temp folder is on a drive with enough space (10-15gb)
    • Set your ARMA 3 install directory
    • Make sure Autocopy teamspeak plugins is enabled
  6. Click the + icon next to the wrench, enter and click Import.

  7. Repo settings should pop up, if not click the cog next to the arrow. Addon folder is where the mods will be downloaded, recommend SSD. You can speed up the game startup with these parameters: -noSplash -showScriptErrors -world=empty -maxMem=8192

  8. Swifty will contact the server and start scanning to see what you're missing.

In general: If the arrow is green, you're up to date. If the arrow is orange, you need to update or check for updates.

To check if your mods are up to date, click the repo picture

To update, also click the repo picture

Whether you are up to date or not, you can always mouseover the arrow and join the server directly or launch the game.

Remember to update ARMA3 + mods a couple days before the session or check the thread for updates. Please configure keybinds and graphics settings before joining.

#Menus and Binds Vanilla controls are in settings where you'd expect, select Infantry in the dropdown and learn basic controls first. General keybinds worth mentioning:

  • G throws a grenade instantly, you will fatfinger it. Rebind it, eg Shift + G, double tap G, etc.
  • Right Click (Hold) zooms in and holds breath, separate these bindings.
  • Alt (Hold) for Freelook. Double tap to toggle.
  • W + S toggles run/walk.
  • V for vaulting over waist-high obstacles.
  • Ctrl (Double tap) toggles weapon lowered / weapon ready.
  • M for Map, with access to briefing, objectives, and platoon roster.
  • K (Hold) for Compass, use cardinal directions and bearings / azimuth (degrees).
  • , and . to change marker and text chat channel. / to start text chat.

##Mods Mods have additional settings elsewhere. Look in Configure Addons, or the in-game pause screen's upper left.


###ACRE Positional voice chat and simulated radios.

  • Local voice chat: Hold Teamspeak PTT key.
  • Adjust in-game voice volume: Hold Delete and scroll mousewheel, whisper==||==shout.
  • Talk on radio: Hold Caps Lock.
  • Configure Radio (change channel): Ctrl+Alt+Caps Lock. Left/right click knob to change.

###ACE The interaction menu is vital. You can configure these bindings

  • ACE Interact: Left Windows
  • ACE Interact: Ctrl + Left Windows

#How to Not be A Fuckerlord

  • Listen to your leader.
  • Study the map and ask questions before we move out.
  • Check your chat channel before placing a marker.
  • Stay with your fireteam and don't leave anyone behind.
  • Spread out, if someone is following you too closely remind them.
  • Always look and listen for enemy, moving or halted.
  • Check where teammates are looking, cover a direction they aren't watching.
  • Report contact to your leader!
  • Identify your target and ensure you are weapons free before firing.
  • If you need to cross in front of someone get their attention first.
  • Never cluster around casualties in combat.
  • Use radios appropriately. The wages of flagrant radio abuse are Death.

#Oh, word? Dslyecxi's TTP3 is way too long.
The Badger Handbook is short.

A good read for new players:

###Badger Alliance 2

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️