Specialist Roles - Kieranator/BadArma GitHub Wiki
So you want to start branching out from being a basic rifleman? This guide will give you an overview of how to do the basic duties of the various specialist roles in the game.
If you want to know good army man tactics, then please read the following:
AT/AA Specialist
Mortar Gunner
UAV Operator
Vehicle Crewman/Pilot
Can you deploy a bipod? Congratulations, you can operate a machinegun! Your main duties are overwatch and suppression by volume.
-If you have an assistant, then that's great. He will carry extra ammo and help you adjust your aim.
##Heavy machinegunner This variant operates differently. You need both the gunner and assistant to set the weapon up because they carry both pieces of it.
- One unit drops their "backpack" piece on the ground.
- The other unit goes up to the dropped piece and uses the addaction menu to set up the machinegun.
- Once set up, one unit enters the machinegun by using the addaction menu.
#Marksman/Sniper Can you rangefind and adjust your sights? Congratulations, you can operate a marksman/sniper rifle! Your main duties are to shoot at long-distance targets.
##Marksman This role operates as part of a squad. They round out the squad by being able to hit long-distance targets.
##Sniper This role operates outside of the squads, under the broader umbrella of the platoon. Snipers are more focused on stealth to flank and ambush high-profile targets. They usually operate with a spotter who helps adjust their aim.
#Medic Check out the Medical System guide on this wiki.
#Engineer This role's responsibilities are handling explosives and repairing vehicles. There are also two derivatives of this role: ##Explosive Specialist A variant of the engineer that focuses on explosives. ###Using explosives
- To plant an explosive, use the addaction menu. You will get options to plant any of the explosives in your inventory.
- There may be multiple ways to set off a planted explosive.
-Command detonation. Use the addaction menu to set off all of your explosives at once. There is a numerical counter of how many explosives you have planted.
-Timed detonation. Use the addaction menu to start off the timer. You can use the addaction again to add more time.
-Bottom/directional attack. The mine's passive sensor will be used.
###Detecting explosives Due to a bug with AGM, drop all medical equipment and pick them back up!
- If mine detector is in your inventory, then it should passively detect explosives and mark them as a red triangle.
###Disarming explosives
- Go into the prone stance and approach the explosive.
- Use the addaction menu to disarm the explosive. It can then be picked up. Note that if you are not an engineer/explosive specialist, then there is a chance that you may set off the mine!
###Explosive Types
- APERS (Anti-personnel) Mine Bottom attack that explodes in all directions. Good against infantry. Comes in three flavors:
-Mine. Triggered by a unit stepping on it.
-Tripwire mine. Triggered by a unit tripping the wire.
-Bounding mine. Triggered by a unit stepping on it. The mine will then bounce upwards and explode mid-air. - AT Mine Bottom attack that explodes in all directions. Good against vehicles. Triggered by a vehicle driving over it.
- Claymore Charge Directional attack that explodes pellets towards where it is facing. Good against infantry. Triggered by command or timed detonation.
- SLAM Mine Directional attack that explodes towards where it is facing. Good against vehicles. Triggered by a vehicle driving past it or a timed detonation.
- Demolitions Charge Command/timed detonation explosive. Weaker than a satchel charge.
- Satchel Charge Command/timed detonation explosive. Stronger than a demo. charge. WARNING: Stay far away from this! It has a large explosion radius!
- Small/Large IED Variants of demo/satchel charge disguised as random trash/objects.
##Repair Specialist
- You can use the AGM interaction menu to replace a damaged wheel. Anyone actually can do this, but this duty should be reserved for the repair specialist/vehicle driver.
- Remove the damaged wheel.
- Take out the spare tire from the vehicle.
- Insert in the spare tire.
#AT/AA Specialist
Be familiarized with the operations of the role's launcher before you slot up!
- There are three levels of launchers available:
-Light. Disposable launcher
-Medium. Reloadable launcher
-Heavy. Missile launcher that may be deployable or have lock-on capabilities - To turn on lock-on capabilities, press T. Next, point the crosshair towards the square and wait for lock-on to finish.
- For tips on using the RPG7, check out the guide on this wiki.
#Mortar Gunner
Can you point and click on a map? Congratulations, you can operate a mortar! Your main duties are indirect fire to thin out enemy numbers and smoke shell spam.
- You need both the gunner and the assistant! They both carry separate parts of the mortar in their backpack.
- To set up a mortar...
- One unit drops their "backpack" piece on the ground.
- The other unit goes up to the dropped piece and uses the addaction menu to set up the mortar.
- To operate the mortar, enter the gunner seat and enter the artillery computer via addaction.
- Communicate over squad radio and coordinate where to fire! You do not want to hit friendlies or end up hitting nothing!
#UAV Operator
- To set up/pack up the helicopter drone, use the addaction menu. It uses helicopter controls.
- To control UAVs, access the UAV terminal from the addaction menu.
#Vehicle Crewman/Pilot
- Can you drive a car and/or operate a turret? Congratulations, you can be a vehicle crewman!
- Though to become a pilot, you must be sure as hell you know what you are doing. You don't have to be a top gun, just know how to take-off and land for transport duties and how to shoot gun for combat duties.
- Please read the following for good army man tactics: