why do I care about business - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki

If Economics is the theoretical study of value, Business is the actual provision of it. It is legitimately debatable if a free market or capitalistic economy is really the best system for doing this, but I personally believe its the best we will do. If this sounds frustrating or interesting, read my operating-economic-philosophy.

My interest is rooted in helping poor people be less poor (see raison d'agir). What seems to be true at the very least is that being rich is an obvious way to give a lot to poor people [^1]. In addition, I believe changing business models to naturally produce positive value for poor people is possible [^2], and is this the obligation of every professional that feels the slightest call to do good to others.

[^1]: Why this seems to happen only sometimes is an interesting question, and one I would like to write about soon. But it isn't total: there are wealthy people that tangibly improve the lives of poor people on a regular and significant bases. see does-the-system-change-you.

[^2]: This too needs an essay and perhaps a list of examples. see strategy for b4gs.