operating economic philosophy - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki

IAM NOT qualified to have a serious economic philosophy, but heres somethign to check in and update as a start to learn.


  • Competition is the mechanism by which heterogeneity of strategy is preserved in capitalism. However, without common goals[^1], it quickly leads to massively scaled behemoths, that aren't tangibly increasing anyones happiness, not even the few driving them.

  • Ergo, competition must be subject[^2] to common goal movements, and shared goals must drive any sort of capitalism that claims to reliably benefit society at large.

  • So to overcome the partisan disease in our country and fight for "human progress", our aim should be to focus on very specific common goals, allowing organizations of diverse ideologies, structures, and networks to join and leave these movements (businesses, non-profits, open source projects, activists, fan clubs, twitterati, churches, mosques, synagogues, covens, meme pages, etc)

    • This allows the most widely agreed upon objectives to succeed, & allows fringe movements to survive until their time.

[^1]: "common goals" refers to shared goals between entities that are otherwise opposed or apathetic towards each other. the originally posted behemoths were referred to as "underpants gnomes" from the South Park episode. Hard to say if I have interpreted that episode correctly.

[^2]: WTF does this mean?