Self care for performance - KeynesYouDigIt/Knowledge GitHub Wiki

Your Habits are critical to all things, including self care and reflection.

Many, many great philosophers, leaders, and athletes cultivate habits that lead to psychological performance[^1] and success. Jesus was big on habits too, including many referenced below.

Principally, these habits created time that eliminated distractions. Deep work (lots of structured thought w/o distraction), meditation (a minimal amount of structured thought w/o distraction), and contemplation (lots of unstructured thought w/o distraction) are just 3 examples of a wide variety of practice. Distraction here is not internal, its external. While meditation and deep work do explicitly resist internal changes of thought patterns, what all the habits seem to share is a shutting out of external stimuli that could change thought patterns.

Being present is key and all these habits, and all these habits contribute to your ability to be present.

Matthew 6:34 "Be not therefore anxious for the morrow: for the morrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

A list of habits

  • Prayer
  • Mindfulness meditation -
  • Deep thought - Could be anything physically - a walk, drive, etc. This is a meditation on a subject rather than a sensation. The thinking should be intentional, well framed. It can be exploratory, just not lazy and random. Not all who wonder are lost.
  • Journaling - ends up being similar to the above
  • The Eisenhower box! - great for when you are attempting to prioritize tasks(urgent+important = DO, urgent+!important=DELEGATE, !urgent+important=DECIDE, !!=DELETE)
  • Personal reflection or therapy around childhood experiences
  • Physical exercise - massive effects on your focus and psychological status

[^1] This can refer to focus, processing speed, originality, perceptiveness, etc

Resources used for the above