earnings - KamarajuKusumanchi/market_data GitHub Wiki

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Past earnings reported dates

https://www.nasdaq.com/earnings/report/lnn - shows fiscal quarter end, date reported, eps, consensus eps forecast, % surprise

Realized earnings

  • Trailing twelve months earnings of AAPL
  • Quarterly earnings of AAPL

Reconciliation of EPS from different sources

asof | 2018-06-27

LPN is scheduled to report their earnings on 2018-06-28.

https://ycharts.com/companies/LNN/eps shows the following

 2018-02-28  0.16
 2017-11-30  0.30
 2017-08-31  0.59
 2017-05-31  1.02

https://www.zacks.com/stock/quote/LNN/detailed-estimates -> "Surprise - Reported Earnings History" at the bottom shows

 Quarter ending  Reported
  2/2018         0.56
 11/2017         0.30
  8/2017         0.59
  5/2017         1.02

Why is there a difference between Ycharts and Zacks for 2/2018?

https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/LNN:US -> Key Statistics

 EPS  2.47

Bloomberg's eps value (2.47) matches with Zacks when you add the eps of the last four quarters (=0.56 + 0.30 + 0.59 + 1.02).

For actual earnings report dates, see https://www.nasdaq.com/earnings/report/lnn

 Fiscal       Date        EPS
 Quarter End  Reported
 Feb2018      03/29/2018  0.56
 Nov2017      12/21/2017  0.3
 Aug2017      10/12/2017  0.59
 May2017      06/29/2017  1.02

Note that Nasdaq eps numbers match with Zacks'.

data model

The following might be a good data model for storing quarterly and yearly earnings

Quartely data:

    ticker, quarter_end_date, revenue, gross_profit, net_income, diluted_eps

    Yearly data:

      ticker, year_end_date, revenue, gross_profit, net_income, diluted_eps


      In https://www.copart.com/content/us/en/press-releases/copart-reports-fourth-quarter-fy18-earnings, the earnings are announced as follows:

      For the three months ended July 31, 2018, revenue, gross profit, and net
      income were $449.2 million, $188.4 million, and $109.7 million,
      respectively. These represent an increase in revenue of $70.6 million, or
      18.7%; an increase in gross profit of $21.0 million, or 12.5%; and an
      increase in net income of $39.4 million, or 56.0%, respectively, from the
      same quarter last year. Fully diluted earnings per share for the three
      months were $0.45 compared to $0.30 last year, an increase of 50.0%.
      For the year ended July 31, 2018, revenue, gross profit, and net income
      were $1.8 billion, $762.4 million, and $417.9 million, respectively. These
      represent an increase in revenue of $357.7 million, or 24.7%; an increase
      in gross profit of $130.3 million, or 20.6%; and an increase in net income
      of $23.6 million, or 6.0%, respectively, from the same period last year.
      Fully diluted earnings per share for the year ended July 31, 2018 were
      $1.73 compared to $1.66 last year, an increase of 4.2%.

      earnings releases

      • For Google

      For example: Q4 2018 earnings release is https://abc.xyz/investor/static/pdf/2018Q4_alphabet_earnings_release.pdf?cache=adc3b38

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