future earnings - KamarajuKusumanchi/market_data GitHub Wiki
Sample link for RICK - https://www.zacks.com/stock/quote/RICK/detailed-estimates
For other companies, replace the symbol name accordingly.
The webpage contains earnings forecast for next quarter, next year, and next 5 years. It also gives the number of estimates used to come up with these forecasts.
Sample link of earnings forecast of GE - http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/ge/earnings-forecast
The page shows both yearly and quarterly earnings forecasts.
For other companies, replace the symbol name accordingly.
Sample link: https://www.nasdaq.com/earnings/earnings-calendar.aspx?date=2018-Apr-23
contains data on when the next earnings will be reported, consensus eps forecast, number of estimates, last year's eps.
Sample link: https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/conferenceCalls.jhtml?tab=earnings&begindate=4/25/2018
provides data on consensus estimated eps on companies scheduled to announce earnings on 4/25/2018.
Sample link: https://www.zacks.com/earnings/earnings-calendar
Have to manually click on each date. Can sort items by fields such as Market Cap, ESP. Data can be exported as csv.