Page Index - KaiWeiChang/vowpal_wabbit GitHub Wiki
41 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Vowpal Wabbit
- Features
- Research
- (Draft) Learning to Search Sub system
- Algorithm details
- C# Binding
- Collections about VW
- Command line arguments
- Contextual Bandit Example
- Cost Sensitive One Against All (csoaa) multi class example
- Daemon example
- Discussions
- Download
- Error Correcting Tournament (ect) multi class example
- Examples
- Feature Hashing and Extraction
- Feature interactions
- Goals
- Implement Your Own Joint Prediction Model
- Input format
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation
- Learning algorithm
- Loss functions
- Malicious URL example
- Matrix factorization example
- murmur2 vs murmur3
- One Against All (oaa) multi class example
- Parser
- Rcv1 example
- Truncated gradient descent example
- Tutorial
- Using
- Using vw hypersearch
- Using vw regr
- using vw varinfo
- Weight vector
- Weighted All Pairs (wap) multi class example
- Windows Build
- Zhen's Presentation Slides on enhancements to vw