Test Pseudonymise Missing structure - KCL-BMEIS/DASHER GitHub Wiki

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User Test: Pseudonymise - Missing structure

This test demonstrates the workflow when a dataset with a missing structure is attempted to be pseudonymised.


To perform the pseudonymisation in this test, you will need to have performed the following:

  • In the non-anonymised XNAT a subject Lung_SABR_planning has to have the session zzz-SARONplanning. This dataset was imported in this user test.
  • The additional clinical trials have to be installed as done in this user test.


  • Navigate to the session zzz-SARONplanning of subject Lung_SABR_planning.
  • Pseudonymise this session as described here with the following settings:
    • Select a manual psudonymisaion,
    • Project RTTQA as the target project,
    • Trial trial_testAddMissing,
    • Trial subject ID [YourHospitalCode]_subAddMissing_03 (again, replace [YourHospitalCode] as previously done)
    • Trial session ID [YourHospitalCode]_sesAddMissing_03.
  • When you now click on Validate you will notice that there are more required structures (i.e. 6) than currently available (i.e. 5). You need to Cancel this pseudonymisation. In a real-world application scenario this means that you have to
    • go back to your TPS,
    • add the missing structure,
    • export the structure and linked image and
    • import the new dataset into DASHER.
  • We have a dataset ready for you where these steps were performed here: [user_test_data_dir]/importMissingStructure_part2. Import this dataset either via the observed import folder or via a DICOM push into DASHER.
  • Monitor the import progress in the prearchive and see how a conflict is raised because a dataset with the same subject and session ID already exists.
  • Resolve the import conflict by renaming the imported session to zzz-SARONplanning_addStruct as described here.
  • Once the import is complete, navigate to the session zzz-SARONplanning_addStruct of subject Lung_SABR_planning.
  • Pseudonymise this session as described here with the following settings above.
  • Now, validate and pseudonymise this session.
  • Follow the steps performed in this User Test to validate the pseudonymisation with your TPS.


Renaming imported session in the prearchive


Pesudonymised session in the second XNAT


Next User Test: Pseudonymise for local research