Test Pseudonymise Local research - KCL-BMEIS/DASHER GitHub Wiki

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User Test: Pseudonymise for local research

In this test you will generate a project for local research in the pseudonymised XNAT and will perform several pseudonymisations into this project.


To perform the pseudonymisation in this test, you will need to have performed the following:

  • In the non-anonymised XNAT a subject DECT_Phantom_Test has to have the session zzzDECTPhantom. This dataset was imported in this user test.
  • In the non-anonymised XNAT a subject RTMAC-TRAIN-023 has to have the session RTMAC-TRAIN-023. This dataset was imported in this user test.
  • In the non-anonymised XNAT a subject CtE_Lung_P_Planning_Exercise has to have the session CtE_Lung_P. This dataset was imported in this user test.
  • The additional clinical trials have to be installed as done in this user test.


  • Create a project with the name, running title, and ID as LOCAL for local research purposes. Follow these instructions.
  • Set the permissions of the standard user created during the installation to member as described here.

  • In the non-anonymised XNAT navigate to the session zzzDECTPhantom of subject DECT_Phantom_Test.
  • Pseudonymise this with the following settings (as described here)
    • Target project LOCAL
    • And automatic ID generation
  • Login to the pseudonymised XNAT, identify the newly added subject and session in the project LOCAL and follow the steps performed in this User Test to validate the pseudonymisation with your TPS.

  • In the non-anonymised XNAT navigate to the session RTMAC-TRAIN-023 of subject RTMAC-TRAIN-023.
  • Pseudonymise this with the following settings (as described here)
    • Target project LOCAL
    • And manual ID generation
    • Clinical tial name No Trial
    • Subject ID: localMRSubject
    • Session ID: localMRSession
  • Login to the pseudonymised XNAT, identify the newly added subject and session in the project LOCAL and follow the steps performed in this User Test to validate the pseudonymisation with your TPS.

  • In the non-anonymised XNAT navigate to the session CtE_Lung_P of subject CtE_Lung_P_Planning_Exercise.
  • Pseudonymise this with the following settings (as described here)
    • Target project LOCAL
    • And manual ID generation
    • Clinical tial name trial_testLung
    • Subject ID: lungSubject
    • Session ID: sessionAccordingToTrial
  • Login to the pseudonymised XNAT, identify the newly added subject and session in the project LOCAL and follow the steps performed in this User Test to validate the pseudonymisation with your TPS.
  • You may have noted, that the edits in the structure label names were no longer required, since DASHER saved these changes to your subject. Also DASHER suggested the subject name that was used in the trial (c.f. this user test)


Two projects are available in the pseudonymised XNAT.


Automatically generated IDs in the project LOCAL


Manually defined IDs for pseudonymisation into project LOCAL.


All three new pseudonymised subjects appear in the LOCAL project


Next User Test: Restart Docker