Page Index - JonPSmith/EfCore.TestSupport GitHub Wiki
35 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Welcome to the EfCore.TestSupport wiki!
- List of versions and which .NET framework they support
- The documentation topics are
- 5. Quickly create empty database
- 9. EfSchemaCompare
- Accessing the appsettings.json file
- Creating connection strings
- Delete all test databases
- EfSchemaCompare config
- EfSchemaCompare limitations
- EnsureClean your database
- Handling ILogger in your tests
- How to use the EfSchemaCompare feature
- Old docs
- Rules for tests using EF Core
- Run SQL Server script
- Seed from Production Anonymization
- Seed from Production Domain Driven Design
- Seed from Production Extract stage
- Seed from Production Seed database
- Seed from Production feature
- Simple performance stopwatch
- Test Data tools
- Tools for capturing EF Core logging
- Using Cosmos DB databases
- Using PostgreSQL databases
- Using SQL Server databases
- Using SQLite in memory databases
- Various tools for getting test data, or file paths to test data
- Version320 Capture EF Core logging
- Version320 Create Cosmos DB options
- Version320 Helpers for creating an empty database, and deleting SQL unit test databases
- Version320 Sqlite in memory test database
- xUnit Fluent Validations