RAD.html - JethroKoch/programmingmethodologies GitHub Wiki

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Rapid Application Develepment(spiral model)

The RAD model consists of four main stages. First the requirements are decided for the program. Then a prototype is created. The client evaluates the prototype and if it's good enough it then becomes the finished product. Otherwise it is improved and another prototype is created and then evaluated with the client. This process continues until the client is happy with a final prototype. The spiral mode is a development of this. In the spiral mode there are four main sections(quadrants). The first quadrant is to create objectives, alternatives and constraints. The second quadrant is evaluating the alternatives. Risks are also analysed and if they are too high the program can be stopped at this point. A prototype is then created. in quadrant 3 the prototype is tested and developed. In quadrant 4 planning for the next stage/phase is taken place. This continues until a final product is produced. It is used when there is a possibility for big changes during the development of the software.



Its good for complex and high risk projects

It is a difficult system to manage

Clients can see prototypes early during development

A lot of prototypes are created and therefor efficient cod isn't a priority

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