Rich Presence Functions - Jamiras/RATools GitHub Wiki

rich_presence_display(format_string, parameters...)

Defines the rich presence display string. Only one string may be defined per script. If this function is called multiple times, the last one will win.

format_string is a string with zero or more placeholders that will be evaluated by the emulator at runtime. It uses the same syntax as the format function.

For each placeholder a parameter must be defined using a rich_presence_value or rich_presence_lookup function.

rich_presence_value(name, expression, [format])

name is the name to associate to the placeholder.

expression is a memory accessor, arithmetic expression, or a function that evaluates to a memory accessor or arithmetic expression.

format is one of the following:

  • VALUE - number (default)
  • SECS - the value is a number of seconds that should be formatted as MM:SS
  • FRAMES - the value is a number of frames that should be converted to seconds and displayed as MM:SS
  • POINTS - the value should be displayed as a six digit score value followed by the word 'POINTS'
  • MILLISECS - the value is a number of hundredths of a second and will be displayed as MM:SS.FF
  • MINUTES - the value is a number of minutes that should be formatted as HHhMM
  • SECS_AS_MINS - the value is a number of seconds that should be formatted as HHhMM
  • FLOAT1 ... FLOAT6 - the value is formatted to N digits after the decimal (FLOAT1 = 1 digit after the decimal, FLOAT3 = 3 digits after the decimal, etc).
  • FIXED1 ... FIXED3 - the value is formatted with a decimal point N spaces from the end (FIXED1 = 1 digit after the decimal).
  • TENS, HUNDREDS, THOUSANDS - the value is padded with additional 0s after the end of the value.

rich_presence_lookup(name, expression, dictionary, [fallback])

name is the name to associate to the placeholder.

expression is a memory accessor, arithmetic expression, or a function that evaluates to a memory accessor or arithmetic expression.

dictionary is the key to value map used to convert the result of expression into a string.

fallback is an optional parameter that tells the display string what to display if the value isn't found in the dictionary. If not specified, empty string "" will be displayed when a value is not found in the dictionary.


function lives() => byte(0x05D4) + 1
function stage() => byte(0x003A)

stages = { 1: "Downtown", 2: "Sewers" }

rich_presence_display("{0}, {1} lives",
    rich_presence_lookup("Stage", stage(), stages),
    rich_presence_value("Lives", lives())

rich_presence_macro(macro, expression)

macro is the name of the built-in macro to use.

  • Number - number (default)
  • Score - number padded with leading 0s to 6 digits
  • Seconds - the value is a number of seconds that should be formatted as MM:SS
  • Centisecs - the value is a number of hundredths of a second and will be displayed as MM:SS.FF
  • Minutes - the value is a number of minutes that should be formatted as HHhMM
  • ASCIIChar - the value is converted to a character using the ASCII lookup table
  • UnicodeChar - the value is converted to a character using the UCS2 (16-bit unicode) lookup table
  • Float1 ... Float6 - the value is formatted to N digits after the decimal (Float1 = 1 digit after the decimal, Float3 = 3 digits after the decimal, etc).
  • Fixed1 ... Fixed3 - the value is formatted with a decimal point N spaces from the end (Fixed1 = 1 digit after the decimal).

expression is a memory accessor, arithmetic expression, or a function that evaluates to a memory accessor or arithmetic expression.

rich_presence_conditional_display(condition, format_string, parameters...)

Defines a conditional rich presence display string. When executing the rich presence script, each condition is examined in order. If a condition is matched, that display string will be used. If no conditions are matched, the default display string will be used. You must still provide a default display string by calling rich_presence_display.

This function has the same structure as rich_presence_display with the additional condition parameter. condition must evaluate to one or more comparisons.


rich_presence_conditional_display(is_title_screen(), "Title Screen")
rich_presence_display("Playing Battle {0} in {1}", 
    rich_presence_value("Battle", current_level()),
    rich_presence_lookup("Landscape", current_landscape(), landscapes)

NOTE: To actually publish the script, you have to copy the script definition to the clipboard (there's a link on the viewer for the rich presence) and paste it into the appropriate field on the website.