Accessing Memory - Jamiras/RATools GitHub Wiki

The following built-in functions are provided for accessing memory:

  • byte(address) - the 8-bit value at the specified address
  • word(address) - the 16-bit value at the specified address
  • tbyte(address) - the 24-bit value at the specified address
  • dword(address) - the 32-bit value at the specified address
  • bit0(address) - the least significant bit of the specified address
  • bit1(address) - the second least significant bit of the specified address
  • bit2(address) - the third least significant bit of the specified address
  • bit3(address) - the fourth least significant bit of the specified address
  • bit4(address) - the fifth least significant bit of the specified address
  • bit5(address) - the sixth least significant bit of the specified address
  • bit6(address) - the seventh least significant bit of the specified address
  • bit7(address) - the most significant bit of the specified address
  • bit(index, address) - the indexth bit of the specified address (index must be between 0 and 31)
  • low4(address) - the four least significant bits of the specified address
  • high4(address) - the four most significant bits of the specified address
  • bitcount(address) - the number of non-zero bits at the specified address
  • word_be(address) - the 16-bit big-endian value at the specified address
  • tbyte_be(address) - the 24-bit big-endian value at the specified address
  • dword_be(address) - the 32-bit big-endian value at the specified address
  • float(address) - the 32-bit IEEE-754 floating point value at the specified address
  • mbf32(address) - the 32-bit Microsoft Binary Format floating point value at the specified address
  • mbf32_le(address) - the 32-bit Microsoft Binary Format floating point value (in little-endian form) at the specified address

Additionally, you can wrap any of the above functions with these functions to modify the behavior:

  • prev(accessor(address)) - the value of the specified address from the previous frame
  • prior(accessor(address)) - the last differing value of the specified address
  • bcd(accessor(address)) - converts a BCD-encoded value to decimal for leaderboard and rich presence values.


Example Description
word(0x1234) == 1000 Would be true if the two-bytes at $1234 were E8 03 (0x03E8 = 1000)
byte(0x4567) > prev(byte(0x4567)) Would be true if the byte at $4567 is a larger value than it was in the previous frame

String matching

Additionally, you can match memory to strings assuming they're encoded using ASCII (7-bit latin characters) or Unicode (16-bit international alphabets).

  • ascii_string_equals(address, string, length=0x7FFFFFFF, transform=a=>a)
  • unicode_string_equals(address, string, length=0x7FFFFFFF, transform=a=>a)

These matches length characters starting at address. If length is unspecified, the length of the string is used.

transform allows the caller to wrap the generated logic in prev or prior (i.e. transform = a => prev(a)). The expression passed to the transform function may be multiple bytes (i.e. dword(address)) as the comparison is broken into chunks.


Example Returns Notes
ascii_string_equals(0x1234, "Hi") word(0x1234) == 0x6948 Implicit length of string (2) used
ascii_string_equals(0x1234, "World", 6) dword(0x1234) == 0x6c726f57 && word(0x1238) == 0x0064 Explicit length includes null terminator
ascii_string_equals(0x1234, "World", 6, transform= a=>prev(a)) prev(dword(0x1234)) == 0x6c726f57 && prev(word(0x1238)) == 0x0064 transform wraps each chunk
ascii_string_equals(0x1234, "World", 3) tbye(0x1234) == 0x726f57 Explicit length only checks part of the string
unicode_string_equals(0x1234, "Hi") dword(0x1234) == 0x00690048 Unicode characters are 16-bits each