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jUCMNav Tutorials and Demos

jUCMNav Flash Demos

Instead of describing the tool's behaviour textually, we have created a few demonstrations to allow newcomers to quickly grasp what the tool actually does. These demonstrations are available either as annotated Flash videos or as YouTube videos.

jUCMNav Installation

UCMs for Beginners

This is a series of YouTube videos created by Jason Kealey and Etienne Tremblay from LavaBlast introducing UCM modeling and analysis for beginners (2010)

Older videos from Jean-Philippe Daigle (2005) 1 Creating a simple UCM. 1 Advanced UCM modelling. 1 UCM path operations.

UCM Analysis with Scenarios

This series of Flash videos created by Daniel Amyot focuses on the use of variables, UCM scenario analysis, and the generation of Message Sequence Charts (2007) 1 Using UCM variables. 1 Using UCM scenarios 1 Visualizing scenarios with jUCMNav's MSC Viewer

GRL Modeling and Analysis

This Flash video created by Jean-François Roy gives an overview of how to create GRL models and analysis strategies with jUCMNav (2006)

GRL KPI Analysis

This Flash video created by Pengfei (Luke) Chen gives an overview of how to create and analyze GRL performance models with Key Performance Indicators (2007)

jUCMNav's Report Generation Tool

This series of videos created by Alexandre Hamel and Jean-François Séguin shows how to create reports using jUCMNav's report generation tool. Some of these videos also show how to customize these reports (using jUCMNav's preferences) and navigate through the various pages of HTML reports (2012).

Sample reports

OCL-based Rule verification and Metrics Computation

This series of Flash videos created by Jun Biao (Byrne) Yan and Daniel Amyot gives an overview of how to create and use OCL rules to check semantics rules against URN models and compute metrics with jUCMNav (2008-2009)

  • Demos for OCL-based SemanticVerification

Export to IBM/Telelogic DOORS for Requirements Management

This series of Flash videos created by Sepideh Ghanavati gives an overview of how to export URN models to IBM/Telelogic DOORS and maintain traceability links as models and requirements evolve (2007)

  • Demos for DoorsExport.

jUCMNav PowerPoint Tutorials


Tutorial Requests

  • If you have any ideas for any introductory lessons to Use Case Maps, Goal-Oriented Requirements Language or the jUCMNav tool itself, please let us know.

-- Main.DanielAmyot - 30 Oct 2013

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