BrowsingHTMLReports - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki

Browsing in an HTML Report

This video shows how to navigate through the various sections of a typical HTML report (UCM/GRL Diagrams and Definitions, UCM Scenarios, etc.).


  • Exporting a URN model to an interactive HTML report using thereport generator's default preferences. Difficulty: easy


  • The perspective shown in this video may differ from the default perspective.
  • Even though Waterfox was used to open the report, all HTML reports can be opened with one of the following browsers: Internet Explorer (versions above IE6 are supported), Mozilla Firefox, Waterfox, Opera and Google Chrome (although some frames will not be shown if the report is opened locally with Chrome, i.e. using the file:// protocol).
  • Make sure Javascript is enabled in your browser (otherwise your browser won't be able to open the various HTML pages).

Software: jUCMNav_20121112 / Windows 7 / Eclipse 3.7

-- JeanFrancoisSeguin - 12 Nov 2012