Z151ImportExport - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki
Standard URN (Z.151) Import/Export Project
This project presents the implementation of the import/export of User Requirements Notation (URN) models in Z.151 format with jUCMNav. The current jUCMNav files are in EMF-based XML/XMI format complying with jUCMNav’s metamodel. To better comply with the Z.151 standard, jUCMNav needs to support importing/exporting of URN models in Z.151 XML files.
This project provides an import/export mechanism for URN models in Z.151 format with jUCMNav that has been implemented using JAXB. The implementation supports a bi-directional transformation between the standard Z.151 metamodel (November 2008) and the jUCMNav metamodel. Through this project, jUCMNav becomes the first tool in the world to support the Z.151 file format.
This feature is supported by jUCMNav version 4.2.0 and above.
Yan Gao's report describes the implementation as well as current limitations (which are very few).
- Yan Gao, Import/Export of URN Models in Z.151 XML File Format with jUCMNav. Intensive Graduate Project Report, SITE, University of Ottawa, January 2010
- OCL static verification rules for the export are described here.
- The documented source code can be found in the seg.jUCMNav.importexport.z151 package
- Revised URN/Z.151 XML schema (Z151.xsd), which incorporates several corrections to the schema found in Z.151
Exporting from jUCMNav
- Right click on the .jucm model from the Navigator view or on an empty part of an opened model in the editor view
- Select Export
- Select Export to URN file and click the Next button
- Select _URN Standard Z151 (*.z151) as file type (you can also change the target directory and default file name)
- Click on the Finish button (if the file already exists, it will simply be overwritten).
- A .z151 file will have been produced. Errors and warning messages may be displayed on the Console view.
- You can refresh the target directory in the Navigator view to see the newly created file.
Note that before exporting the file, you can check some or all of the predefined rules for Z.151 export. These rules will detect deprecated jUCMNav elements, elements that will not be exported, and elements that will be transformed during the export. See this demonstration on how to check rules in jUCMNav.
Importing from jUCMNav
- Right click on the target directory in the Navigator view
- Note: Doing so on a model Navigator view or on an empty part of an opened model in the editor view will replace the content of that file.
- Select Import
- Select Import UCM / GRL / URN in the Other category and click the Next button
- Select URN Standard Z151 (*.z151) as file type (you can also change the target directory)
- Select the .z151 source file name
- Click on the Finish button
- A .jucm file will have been produced. Errors and warning messages may be displayed on the Console view.
- If the file already existed in the selected directory, a suffix (-1, -2...) will be added to the file name.
- ITU-T, Recommendation Z.151 (11/08): User Requirements Notation (URN) - Language Definition (Draft version)
- UCM.DraftZ151Metamodel (standard)
- URNMetaModel for jUCMNav
- JAXB Reference Implementation. https://jaxb.dev.java.net/
- Java Architecture for XML Binding - Binding Compiler (xjc). http://java.sun.com/webservices/docs/1.6/jaxb/xjc.html
- Main.YanGao (2009-2010)
- Main.DanielAmyot (2009-2010)
-- Main.DanielAmyot - 09 Jan 2010