PredefinedSemanticsRulesOverview - JUCMNAV/projetseg-update GitHub Wiki

Predefined Semantic Rules Overview

This page is related to the Semantic Verification and Metrics Computation sub-project of jUCMNav.

The following are predefined rules in jUCMNav, which you can recover using the Restore Default in the Preferences page (make sure to Export your custom rules first, as this will erase them).

GRL Consistency Completeness

Consistency and completeness rules applicable to most models with GRL diagrams.

Name Description Context Updated
GRLcontributionConsistency The qualitative and quantitative values of a GRL contribution/correlation must be consistent. grl::Contribution 4.1.0
GRLstrategyEvaluationConsistency The qualitative and quantitative values of a GRL strategy evaluation must be consistent. grl::Evaluation 4.1.0
GRLstrategyWithIncorrectXORinit GRL strategy initializes more than one child of an XOR decomposition. grl::EvaluationStrategy 4.2.0
GRLdependencyEvaluationConsistency The depender of a GRL dependency should not have an evaluation value higher than its dependee's. grl::IntentionalElement 4.2.0
GRLindicatorThresholdConsistency Indicator threshold value must be between the target and worst values. grl:Evaluation 4.1.0
GRLindicatorIndicatorTooGood Evaluation value of indicator better than target value. grl:Evaluation 4.1.0
GRLindicatorIndicatorTooBad Evaluation value of indicator worse than worst value. grl:Evaluation 4.1.0
GRLactorNoCycle GRL actor must not be part of a containment cycle grl::ActorRef 4.1.0
GRLintentionalElementInManyActors GRL intentional element must not be bound to more than one actor grl::IntentionalElement 4.1.0
GRLactorWithNoImportantIE GRL actor contains no intentional element with a non-zero importance grl::Actor 4.1.0

UCM Consistency Completeness

Consistency and completeness rules applicable to most models with UCM diagrams.

Name Description Context Updated
UCMcomponentNoCycle UCM component must not be part of a containment cycle ucm::map::ComponentRef 4.1.0
UCMpluginNoOutBinding UCM plugin bindings of this stub must all have out-bindings ucm::map::Stub 4.1.0
UCMpluginNoInBinding UCM plugin bindings of this stub must all have in-bindings ucm::map::Stub 4.1.0
UCMsyncStubIsDyn UCM synchronizing stub must be dynamic ucm::map::Stub 4.1.0
UCMblockingStubIsSync UCM blocking stub must be synchronizing ucm::map::Stub 4.1.0
UCMstaticStubTooManyPlugins UCM static stub must not have more than one plug-in ucm::map::Stub 4.1.0
UCMstaticStubPreconditions UCM static stub must have a true precondition for its plugin binding ucm::map::Stub 4.1.0
UCMstaticStubReplication UCM static stub must have replicationFactor=1 for its plugin binding ucm::map::Stub 4.1.0
UCMstubSingletonWithReplication UCM stub containing a singleton map must have replicationFactor=1 for its plugin binding ucm::map::Stub 4.1.0
UCMcomponentBindingContextIsTeam UCM component target of a binding must be of kind Team ucm::map::ComponentRef 4.1.0
UCMprocessWithObjectAncestor UCM process component should not have an object component ancestor ucm::map::ComponentRef 4.1.0
UCMresponsibilityInManyComponents UCM responsibility should not be bound to more than one component urncore::Responsibility 4.1.0
UCMsubCompInManyComponents UCM component should not be bound to more than one component urncore::Component 4.1.0
UCMconnectBindings UCM wait/timer/end/empty points in a connect must be bound to the same component reference ucm::map::WaitingPlace 4.1.0
UCMstubAtMostOneElse UCM stub must not have more than one plug-in with an "else" precondition ucm::map::Stub 4.2.0
UCMorForkAtMostOneElse UCM Or-Fork must not have more than one branch with an "else" condition ucm::map::OrFork 4.2.0

URN Features for Software Product Lines

Experimental rules for feature models capturing Software Product Lines.

Name Description Context Updated
ArequiresB Feature A requires Feature B grl:EvaluationStrategy 4.1.0
AconfictsWithB Feature A conflicts with Feature B grl:EvaluationStrategy 4.1.0

URN Layout and Overlaps

URN rules targeting diagram layouts.

Name Description Context Updated
GRLnoOverlappingActors GRL actor boundary must not overlap with the boundary of another actor grl::ActorRef 4.1.0
GRLnoOverlappingIEonActor GRL intentional element must not overlap with the boundary of an actor grl::IntentionalElementRef 4.1.0
GRLnoOverlappingIEonIE GRL intentional element must not overlap with another intentional element grl::IntentionalElementRef 4.1.0
GRLintentionElemInsideButUnbound GRL intentional element is visually contained by actor but is not bound to it grl::IntentionalElementRef 4.1.0
TooManyGRLelementsInGraph Too many #GRL visual elements in graph... grl::GRLGraph 4.1.0
UCMnoOverlappingComponents UCM component boundary must not overlap with the boundary of another component ucm::map::ComponentRef 4.1.0
UCMcomponentInsideButUnbound UCM component is visually contained by another component but is not bound to it ucm::map::ComponentRef 4.1.0
UCMpathNodeInsideButUnbound UCM path node is visually contained by a component but is not bound to it ucm::map::PathNode 4.1.0
TooManyUCMelementsInMap Too many #UCM visual elements in map... ucm::map::UCMmap 4.1.0

URN Value Ranges

Range checking rules applicable to most URN models

Name Description Context Updated
GRLcontributionNoUnknown There should not be unknown contributions in GRL models grl::Contribution 4.1.0
GRLcontributionRange GRL quantitative contribution must be between -100 and 100 grl::Contribution 4.1.0
GRLimportanceRange GRL quantitative importance must be between 0 and 100 grl::IntentionalElement 4.1.0
GRLevaluationRange GRL strategy evaluation must be between -102 and 100 grl::Evaluation 4.1.0
UCMnodeConnectionProbabilityRange UCM node connection must have a probability between 0 and 1.0 ucm::map::NodeConnection 4.1.0
UCMnodeConnectionDefProbability UCM node connections not following OrFork or Timer should have a probability of 1.0 ucm::map::NodeConnection 4.1.0
UCMpluginMapDefProbability UCM plugin bindings of this stub must all have a probability between 0 and 1.0 ucm::map::Stub 4.1.0

URN Styles for Names and Descriptions

Rules targeting the completeness of descriptions significance of identifiers, mainly for documentation and report generation (applicable to most URN models)

Name Description Context Updated
GRLactorDescNotEmpty GRL actor definition should have a non-empty description grl::Actor 4.1.0
GRLintentionalElemDescNotEmpty GRL intentional element definition should have a non-empty description grl::IntentionalElement 4.1.0
GRLgraphDescNotEmpty GRL diagram should have a non-empty description grl::GRLGraph 4.1.0
GRLgraphNameNotDefault GRL graph name should be changed from default grl::GRLGraph 4.1.0
UCMcomponentDescNotEmpty UCM component definition should have a non-empty description urncore::Component 4.1.0
UCMresponsibilityDescNotEmpty UCM responsibility definition should have a non-empty description urncore::Responsibility 4.1.0
UCMmapDescNotEmpty UCM diagram should have a non-empty description ucm::map::UCMmap 4.1.0
UCMmapNameNotDefault UCM map name should be changed from default ucm::map::UCMmap 4.1.0

URN Unused Elements

Rules detecting unused definitions and model elements in URN models

Name Description Context Updated
GRLgraphEmpty GRL graph is empty grl::GRLGraph 4.1.0
GRLactorEmpty GRL actor is empty grl::ActorRef 4.1.0
GRLactorWithoutRef GRL actor definition without any reference grl::Actor 4.1.0
GRLintentionalElemWithoutRef GRL intentional element definition without any reference grl::IntentionalElement 4.1.0
GRLintentionalLinkWithoutRef GRL intentional link definition without any reference grl::ElementLink 4.1.0
UCMmapEmpty UCM map is empty ucm::map::UCMmap 4.1.0
UCMcomponentEmpty UCM component is empty ucm::map::ComponentRef 4.1.0
UCMcomponentWithoutRef UCM component definition without any reference urncore::Component 4.1.0
UCMresponsibilityWithoutRef UCM responsibility definition without any reference urncore::Responsibility 4.1.0
UCMstubEmpty UCM stub has no plug-in map ucm::map::Stub 4.1.0
UCMscenarioCoverage UCM path node not covered by the scenario(s) executed ucm::map::PathNode 4.2.0

URN Legal Compliance Profile

Special rules that specifically target URN models where GRL diagrams are meant to represent legal models used in compliance analysis.

Name Description Context Updated
StereotypeInLegalModelOnly Legal: The "Permission", "Obligation", "No", and "Consequence" stereotypes must be referenced in at least one "Legal" diagram grl::IntentionalElement 4.2.0
LegalStereotypesNotForActors Legal: The "Permission", "Obligation", "No", and "Consequence" stereotypes are for intentional elements only grl::Actor 4.2.0
ObligationNotDecomposableByNo Legal: An "Obligation" intentional element must not be And-decomposed by a "No" element grl::Decomposition 4.2.0
ObligationDecomposableByAndOnly Legal: An "Obligation" intentional element must be And-decomposed grl::IntentionalElement 4.4.0
TracesLinksBetweenActors Legal: A "traces" URN link must be between two actors or two intentional elements grl::Actor 4.2.0
TracesLinksBetweenIEs Legal: A "traces" URN link must be between two actors or two intentional elements grl::IntentionalElement 4.2.0
TracesLinksFromOrgToLegalActors Legal: "traces" URN links must go from the organization model to the legal model grl::Actor 4.2.0
TracesLinksFromOrgToLegalIEs Legal: "traces" URN links must go from the organization model to the legal model grl::IntentionalElement 4.2.0
ConsequenceContribFromLegalToOrg Legal: Only GRL contributions from "Consequence" IEs can go from the legal model to the organization model grl::Contribution 4.2.0
ConsequenceContribPositive Legal: GRL contributions from "Consequence" IEs must be positive grl::Contribution 4.2.0
ConsequenceUnused Legal: "Consequence" intentional element has no contribution to the organization model grl::IntentionalElement 4.2.0
LegalIEinitialized Legal: A strategy should not initialize intentional elements from a Legal model grl::EvaluationStrategy 4.2.0
ConsequenceWithMinus100Contrib Legal: "Consequence" IEs must have a -100 contribution from DefaultNonComp grl::IntentionalElement 4.2.0
ConsequenceDependOnDefaultMaxEval Legal: "Consequence" IEs must have a dependency to DefaultMaxEval grl::IntentionalElement 4.2.0
DefaultNonCompSetTo100 Legal: DefaultNonComp must be a resource evaluated to 100 in the Legal model grl::IntentionalElement 4.2.0
DefaultMaxEvalSetToZero Legal: DefaultMaxEval must be a resource evaluated to 0 in the Legal model grl::IntentionalElement 4.2.0
NonComplianceOnTracesIEs Legal: The source of the "traces" URN link does not comply with its destination grl::IntentionalElement 4.2.0
NonComplianceOnTracesActors Legal: The source of the "traces" URN link does not comply with its destination grl::Actor 4.2.0
ObligationFullySatisfied Legal: Non-compliance: an "Obligation" must be evaluated to 100 grl::IntentionalElement 4.2.0
PermissionFullySatisfied Legal: Non-compliance: a "Permission" with non-"No" children must be evaluated to 100 grl::IntentionalElement 4.2.0

URN iStar Profile

Special rules that specifically target URN models where GRL diagrams are meant to represent i-star models (see this paper for more information)

Name Description Context Updated
SoftgoalAsContributionDestination The destination of a Contribution must be a Softgoal grl::Contribution 4.1.0
DecompositionLinkForbidenDestinations Decomposition links must not have softgoals, resources or beliefs as a destination. grl::Decomposition 4.1.0
DecompositionLinkForbidenSources Decomposition links must not have beliefs as a source. Note: Beliefs are not yet IEs in jUCMNav. grl::Decomposition 4.1.0
ISAbetweenSimilarActors ISA (generalization) must be between two actors of the same type grl::Actor 4.1.0
CoversFromPositionToRole A Covers association must be from a Position to a Role grl::Actor 4.1.0
PlaysFromAgentToRole A Plays association must be from an Agent to a Role. grl::Actor 4.1.0
OccupiesFromagentToPosition An Occupies association must be from an Agent to a Position grl::Actor 4.1.0
INSbetweenAgents An INS association must only be used between Agents grl::Actor 4.1.0
NoDependencyInsideActor Dependency links must never completely be inside of an actor boundary grl::LinkRef 4.1.0
DependencyInSDwithoutDependum Dependency links in an SD model must always have a dependum grl::GRLGraph 4.1.0
SDmodelsRestrictedLinks SD models must not have links other than dependency and actor association links grl::GRLGraph 4.1.0
NoBeliefAsLinkDestination Beliefs should not be the destination of element links grl::Belief 4.1.0
TasksAsDestOfAndLinks AND decomposition links should only have tasks as destinations grl::Decomposition 4.1.0
MeansEndMustHaveGoalDest OR/IOR decomposition (means-end) links should only have goals as destinations grl::Decomposition 4.1.0
IsPartOfBetweenSimilarActors Is Part Of association should be between two actors of the same type grl::Actor 4.1.0
AllGRLdiagramsSRorSD All GRL diagrams should be tagged as SD or SR diagrams. grl::GRLGraph 4.1.0
SRdependencyAlwaysHasDependums Dependency links in an SR model should always have a dependum grl::Dependency 4.1.0
OnlyDependenciesCrossing The only links that cross actor boundaries should be dependency links grl::LinkRef 4.1.0

Z.151 Export

Rules that detect deprecated jUCMNav elements, elements that will not be exported, and elements that will be transformed during the export.

Name Description Context Updated
IncludedStrategiesNotExported Z.151 Export: Strategies included in others will not be exported grl::EvaluationStrategy 5.0.0
EvaluationRangeNotExported Z.151 Export: Strategy evaluation ranges will not be exported grl::EvaluationStrategy 5.0.0
IndicatorsNotExported Z.151 Export: Indicator associations, attributes, and groups will not be exported grl::kpimodel::Indicator 4.2.0
DimensionsNotExported Z.151 Export: Dimensions and their KPI model links will not be exported grl::kpimodel::KPIInformationElement 5.0.0
ContributionOverridesNotExported Z.151 Export: Contribution overrides (context groups, contexts and changes) will not be exported grl::ContributionContextGroup 5.0.0
KPINewEvalValueNotExported Z.151 Export: Indicator new/overriding values in evaluation strategies will not be exported grl::Evaluation 5.0.0
RespBindingNotExported Z.151 Export: Responsibility bindings in stub will not be exported ucm::map::Stub 4.2.0
SubActorsAsMetadata Z.151 Export: Associations to children actor references will be converted to metadata grl::ActorRef 4.2.0
AspectStubsAsStubs Z.151 Export: Aspect-related stub will be converted to stub with metadata ucm::map::Stub 4.2.0
AnythingAsEmptyPoint Z.151 Export: Anything path node will be converted to empty point with metadata ucm::map::Anything 4.2.0
FailurePointAsEmptyPoint Z.151 Export: Failure point will be converted to empty point with metadata ucm::map::FailurePoint 4.2.0
FailureSPasSP Z.151 Export: Failure start point will be converted to start point with metadata ucm::map::StartPoint 4.2.0
OtherCompAsTeam Z.151 Export: Component of kind Other will be converted to Team with metadata urncore::Component 4.2.0
DeprecatedOrientation Deprecated: The "orientation" attribute should no longer be used in forks/joins ucm::map::PathNode 4.2.0
DeprecatedTransaction Deprecated: The "transaction" attribute should no longer be used in plug-in bindings ucm::map::Stub 4.2.0
DeprecatedPointcut Deprecated: The "pointcut" attribute should no longer be used in stubs. Use "aopointcut" instead. ucm::map::Stub 4.2.0
DeprecatedPriority Deprecated: The "priority" attribute should no longer be used in intentional elements. Use "importance" instead. grl::IntentionalElementRef 4.2.0
DeprecatedCriticality Deprecated: The "criticality" attribute should no longer be used in intentional elements. Use "importance" instead. grl::IntentionalElementRef 4.2.0

Measured Compliance

Constraints applicable to compliance models in GRL that use the Conditional Algorithm for compliance assessment.

Name Description Context Updated
GRLincomingContributionsNotMoreThan100 Contributions to an intentional element must not sum up to a value higher than 100 grl::IntentionalElement 4.4.0
GRLconditionDependeeOfIE A GRL resource with a ST_CONDITIONTYPE medatada must be a dependee of an intentional element grl::IntentionalElement 4.4.0
GRLgoalsWithHyperlinks Goals should have a hyperlink grl::IntentionalElement 4.4.0
GRLactorNoCLASSTYPE ST_CLASSTYPE stereotypes cannot be used on Actors grl::Actor 4.4.0
GRLconditionNotADepender A GRL resource with a ST_CONDITIONTYPE medatada cannot depend on anything else grl::IntentionalElement 4.4.0

-- Main.DanielAmyot - 15 Nov 2009

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️