Software Frameworks - Infineon/multi-half-bridge GitHub Wiki

Arduino Getting Started a quick startup documentation for Arduino IDE
Lib Installation library installation guide
Arduino API api functions of the Arduino port
PAL Interface platform library functions
PlatformIO guide for installing under PlatformIO
Cypress WICED Getting Started a quick startup documentation for the WICED SDK
Lib Installation library installation guide and setup of example apps
WICED API API functions of the Cypress WICED port
Troubleshooting Guide Cypress WICED SDK trouble shooting for C++ and SPI
Raspberry Pi (C++) Getting Started a quick startup documentation for the Raspberry Pi
Lib Installation requirements and library installation guide
API API functions of the Raspberry Pi port
Examples Examples for the Raspberry Pi C++ framework
Raspberry Pi (Python) Getting Started a quick startup documentation for the Raspberry Pi
Examples Examples for the Raspberry Pi Python wrapper
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️