Arduino API - Infineon/multi-half-bridge GitHub Wiki
List of Arduino Hall public API functions:
List of the basic TLE94112 public API functions:
- Tle94112()
- ~Tle94112()
- begin()
- end()
- configHB()
- configPWM()
- getSysDiagnosis()
- getHBOverCurrent()
- getHBOpenLoad()
- clearErrors()
List of TLE94112Motor public API functions:
- Tle94112Motor()
- ~Tle94112Motor()
- begin()
- end()
- initConnector()
- connect()
- disconnect()
- setPwm()
- setPwmFreq()
- setActiveFreeWheeling()
- stop()
- coast()
- start()
- setSpeed()
- getSpeed()
- rampSpeed()
Find the complete documentation for each of the Arduino functions and and rest of the library code structures in the Arduino API Doxygen docs section.