ModusToolbox Getting Started - Infineon/multi-half-bridge GitHub Wiki

Getting Started with TLE94112EL Arduino Shield & ModusToolbox

This page explains how to set up everything to work with the ModusToolbox and the TLE94112EL Arduino Shield.


Required experience

  • Experience level: Moderate
  • Basic programming skills: C / C++

Required Hardware

Name Picture
TLE94112EL Arduino Shield
ModusToolbox HAL compatible kit like this
Compatible DC motor
a power source between 4V and 40V, reasonable for your motor
Micro-USB to USB A cable use the cable included into the CY8CPROTO-062-4343W Prototyping Kit
pin headers and cables solder or plug them into the shield and prototyping kit

Required Software


Software Installation

  1. install Modus Toolbox. Download the software and follow the instructions in the following website

  2. for Windows install PuTTY. Downloadable from the official website or use an other sufficient terminal under your system.

  3. for Linux install miniCom. Use your system installer (apt, apt-get, pkcon, zypper or similar). You can also use any other similar software.

  4. install the multi-half-bridge library. Follow the steps in the ModusToolbox Library Installation section.


Hardware Setup

If you have a ModusToolbox HAL compatible board with an Arduino compatible header, than simply place the multi-half-bridge shield on top of this board, for all other ModusToolbox HAL compatible boards you must wire the right SPI pins from the board to the shield, including th EN (enable board) Pin, VDD and GND. The following picture is an example for the PSoC 6 Wi-Fi BT Prototyping Kit (CY8CPROTO-062-4343W):

Ready To Go!

  1. Example basicTest

    If you have installed the mtb-example-multi-half-bridge, than simply compile and run it. It will automatically start the basicTest.

  2. Terminal output

    Open the PuTTY serial terminal with 115200 baud, 8-N-1, and the appropriate COM port (or tty device). You will get a short information of what the shield runs.

  3. More examples

    All available examples are included in the mtb-example-multi-half-bridge, so to change to other ones, open the main.cpp file into the modus toolbox editor and change the EXAMPLE definition to one of the available options.

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