ModusToolbox Library Installation - Infineon/multi-half-bridge GitHub Wiki
Modus Toolbox library installation
As this library is yet not in the official Modus Toolbox example flow, you have to install it manually. For this you have to do the following steps:
- download the library from GitHub
- move (this is important) the */multi-half-bridge/src/framework/modustoolbox/example directory to you modus toolbox working directory
- name this directory mtb-example-multi-half-bridge
If you did this, then start an new Modus Toolbox project for any compatible variant and include the moved directory into this step. The Modus Toolbox should now include this directory and all needed GitHub repos for the selected MCU.
ModusToolbox HAL compatibility
The multi-half-bridge library is designed for all ModusToolbox HAL compatible boards and is only tested for them, but as it uses only the Cypress HAL driver,
there is a good chance that other boards are working without or with minimal changes. The most interesting file for this
is the tle94112-platf-mtb.hpp
header, where the pin port numbers for the SPI interface are set.
The file can be found in the wrapper directory. If you don't want to change something here, you can also call the constructor with different
pin settings.