Operating System Image - Industry4/SMEMA-Hermes-Adaptor GitHub Wiki



  1. Create a USB Memory Stick Imager
  2. Place the smemahermesadaptor-X-X-X.img.gz file found below in the image folder of the Boot drive of the USB Memory Stick. eg: boot/image/smemahermesadaptor-X-X-X.img.gz

Executing an Upgrade

  1. Make sure the Adaptor is shutdown and powered off.
  2. Unplug all SMEMA and Serial cables.
  3. Insert the USB Memory Stick in a Blue USB socket of the Adaptor.
  4. Connect the USB-C Power and Wait for the Adaptor to boot.
  5. See the Upgrade Notification below.
  6. With the status light Flashing Green, press the Adaptor button to start the upgrade to the SD Card.
  7. The status light will turn Steady Red.
  8. This can take around 10 minutes to complete.
  9. Once complete the status light will turn Steady Green.
  10. When the green status light goes off disconnect the USB-C power.
  11. Remove the USB Memory Stick.
  12. Reconnect the USB-C power.
  13. The Adaptor will conduct multiple reboots as it installs itself. Leave it for at least 5 minutes to settle.

Upgrade Notifications

Notification Meaning Action
Steady Red Power ON None
Steady Red with Fan ON Updating None
Slow Red Flash Expanding File System Wait
Flash Green Flash Upgrade can start Press button once to start upgrade
1 Beep Unzipping Image Wait
2 Beeps Saving Image to SD Card Wait
3 Beeps Completed, shutting down Wait
Fast Red Flash No SD Card is found Press button once to shutdown
Fast Red and Green Flash No .img.gz file found in /boot/image Press button once to shutdown
Steady Green Update Complete. Shutting down Wait for light to go out

SMEMA Hermes Adaptor Operating System

The Latest SMEMA Hermes Adaptor Operating System is available to download below:

Download Version Date Size SHA256 File Hash
smemahermesadaptor-1-0-7.img.gz 1.0.7 19/01/24 1.35GB 62e6e19fb914a2382bf96e1bfd4cdf5a0fa4602864381f29a254333903c03466

Release Notes

What's on the latest image?

Version 1.0.4 1.0.5 1.0.6 1.0.7
Date 25/07/22 30/11/22 10/07/23 19/01/24
Debian (32 Bit) No Desktop 11.3 11.5 11.7 11.8
MultiPlug ECP 2.2.80 2.2.81
SMEMAAdaptor.deb 1.0.11
SMEMAHAT.deb 1.0.5
wiringpi-latest.deb 2.52
adaptorsetup.deb 1.0.2
MultiPlug.Ext.Recipe.File 1.0.14
MultiPlug.Ext.Thm.Default2016 1.0.27
MultiPlug.Ext.SerialPort 1.0.1 1.0.3 1.0.4 1.0.6
MultiPlug.Ext.RasPi.Config 1.0.12 1.0.15
MultiPlug.Ext.RasPi.GPIO 1.0.14 1.0.16
MultiPlug.Ext.MPLib 1.0.8 1.0.9
MultiPlug.Ext.Hermes 1.0.8 1.0.14 1.0.19 1.0.22
MultiPlug.Ext.Hermes.Config 1.0.1 1.0.2
MultiPlug.Ext.Network.Sockets 1.0.10 1.0.12 1.0.13
MultiPlug.Ext.Nuget 1.0.4 1.0.5
MultiPlug.Ext.HostAPd.Config 1.0.0
MultiPlug.Ext.FileImporter 1.0.2
MultiPlug.Ext.4IR.SOS 1.0.2