spice_xcontrol - ITA-Solar/solo-spice-ql GitHub Wiki


SPICE_XCONTROL is a GUI to view information about a SPICE FITS file and to access the different quicklook software with the SPICE file and selected windows.


spice_xcontrol, data [, group_leader=group_leader]



A SPICE_DATA object or a string containing the path to a SPICE FITS file.



The widget ID of the parent widget. If provided, then SPICE_XCONTROL will be closed when its parent is closed.

Description of the GUI

Left column

This column contains all the buttons.

Top panel

In this panel you can select or deselect all or some data windows. This selection will be passed on to the tools when clicking on one of the tools button. At least one window has to be selected to open a tool, except for the Raster Browser, which doesn't need a selection.

Second panel

This panel contains buttons to start one of the tools.

  • Detector: Starts SPICE_XDETECTOR with the selected windows. This tool displays the windows superimposed on the whole SPICE detector.
  • Raster Browser: Starts SPICE_RASTER_BROWSER, doesn't need a selection of windows. This routine is used to browse 3D SPICE data-cubes.
  • Raster: Starts SPICE_XRASTER with the selected windows. This tool displays all exposures of the selected windows in a row.
  • Whisker: Starts SPICE_XWHISKER with the selected windows. Only available if FITS file contains more than one exposure. This too is used to display 2-D spectroscopic data as whisker plots (images), i.e. Intensity[wavelength, y].
  • Intensity map: Starts SPICE_XMAP with the selected windows. Only available if FITS file contains more than one exposure. This tool is used to display 2-D (or higher) data.

Third panel

This panel shows the sun as seen by SDO if available, otherwise a circle symbolising the sun. Superimposed on it, you'll se a rectangle showing the FOV of this SPICE file.

Fourth panel

This panel contains some control buttons.

  • Display header: Opens a new window that shows the headers of the FITS file, each extension in its own tab.
  • Print filename to console: If a file has been selected, its full path will be printed in the console.
  • Close: Closes this window and all windows that have been opened through it.

Center column

This column displays information contained in the FITS file.

Top panel

This is a text field that contains some information about the data in this FITS file.

Bottom panel

This panel contains two images that represent the two SPICE detectors. It shows all windows placed on the detectors, similar to what SPICE_XDETECTOR does.

Right column

This column displays the SPICE logo.