spice_raster_browser - ITA-Solar/solo-spice-ql GitHub Wiki


SPICE_RASTER_BROWSER is a GUI used to browse 3D SPICE data cubes. It has been adapted from the EIS_RASTER_BROWSER routine available in the Hinode/EIS Solarsoft distribution.

Within the image display window, the mouse buttons are used as:

  • LEFT Zoom in to image (factor 2).
  • MIDDLE Choose a new spatial pixel for spectrum display.
  • RIGHT Zoom out from image (factor 2).

Similarly, for the spectrum display windows, the mouse buttons are used as:

  • LEFT Zoom in to spectrum (factor 2).
  • MIDDLE Choose a new spectrum pixel for image display.
  • RIGHT Zoom out from spectrum (factor 2).

If you are using the Mac trackpad, then you can still use spice_raster_browser. Go to X11->Preferences...->Input and select the 'Emulate three button mouse' option. The GUI now accepts the following inputs:

  • CLICK Zoom in to image (factor 2).
  • OPTION+CLICK Select a new spatial pixel
  • COMMAND+CLICK Zoom out from image.

If you are using the Mac trackpad on a VNC screen, we recommend using BetterTouchTool with e.g. "TipTap Left" set to trigger a middle click, which selects a new spatial pixel.


spice_raster_browser, data [, chunk_size=chunk_size] [, no_goes=no_goes] [, retina=retina] [, quiet=quiet]



A SPICE_DATA object or a string containing the path to a SPICE FITS file.



Only applicable for sit-and-stare data. It defines the size of the chunks (in number of exposures) to be displayed.


This disables the GOES plot.


If set, the the fonts will be smaller.


If set, then do not print messages to the IDL command window.

Description of the GUI