SPICE_XFILES - ITA-Solar/solo-spice-ql GitHub Wiki


SPICE_XFILES is a GUI to search for SPICE files on a local hard disk. When user selects a file SPICE_XCONTROL is called with this file. SPICE_XCONTROL is a GUI that gives an overview of the content of the opened FITS file and lets the user access the different quicklook software.

If you wish to search for files without a GUI, use SPICE_FIND_FILE.



Description of the GUI

Top row

  • Exit: Exits the program. This will also close all windows that have been opened by this instance of SPICE_XFILES, i.e. all instances of SPICE_XCONTROL, which in turn will close all windows that were opened by SPICE_XCONTROL.
  • SPICE logo as well as logos of its ancestor.

Second row

This row is for date and time criteria for the file search. The user can enter a start and stop date/time for the search. The format of the date can be any of the following:
CCSDS: "1988-01-18T17:20:43" or "1988-01-18 17:20:43"
ECS: "1988/01/18 17:20:43"
VMS: "18-JAN-1988 17:20:43"

  • Last 5 days: This will set the end date/time to the current date/time and the start date/time to 5 days earlier.
  • Up until now: This will set the end date/time to the current date/time, but leave the start date/time unaltered.
  • Ignore times: If this option is activated the time criteria will be ignored. This option is ignore Use Date-tree-structure in path is activated.
  • Recent time-windows: A list of the 10 last start and end dates used by the user. If user selects one of the entries the start and end date/time fields are updated. Even though the
  • times are not shown in this list, they are saved internally and will also be applied.

Third row

This row is for location criteria for the file search. The last line Search Directory displays the resulting directories to be searched.

  • Top directory: Here the user can decide if the path saved in an environmental variable (e.g. SPICE_DATA) should be used as the top directory. Alternatively, the user can give a path directly, either by entering it in the field or by choosing it with the GUI provided when clicking on Change.
  • Data Level: Choose the data level you want to search (Level 0, 1, 2 or 3).
  • Use levelx in path: If activated the subfolder levelx (with x being the level chosen) will appended to the top directory.
  • Use Date-tree-structure in path: If activated, subfolders are added to the search directory according to the given time window, the subfolders have the format yyyy/mm/dd/.
  • Search subdirectories: If activated, the search will be performed recurrently, i.e. all subdirectories of the search directory are searched. It is recommended to activate this option, when there are no subdirectories in the search folder, because this will increase the speed the files are found. This may slow down the search significantly, if there are many subfolders.
  • Start "user dir": If activated, the search will be performed in the user directory, which will be added between top directory and level directory.
  • Start Search: Clicking this button will start the search, the results will then be displayed in the lowest two panels, if there are any.
  • Use catalog: This will call SPICE_CAT which will open a new window. This program allows filtering/sorting/selection of the contents in spice_catalog.txt which contains information about all available (not necessarily locally) SPICE FITS files. The selected files will be displayed in SPICE_XFILES after closing this new window.

Fourth row

This row contains the filters that can be applied to the found files. You can filter for a specific 'Purpose' or 'Study type' or limit the displayed OBS to certain range of 'Slit width'.

Fifth row

This row is a text field to display the results. Particularly, this text field will display all found sequences with some information about them. Selecting one line will display all files that belong to this sequence in the lowest part of the GUI.

Sixth row

This row is a text field to display the results. Here, all files that belong to the selected sequence will be shown. Double-clicking a file has the same effect as selecting a file and clicking Confirm selection.

  • Confirm selection: If a file has been selected, the program calls SPICE_XCONTROL with this file as input. This opens a new window, showing an overview of the content of the file and options to open the different quicklook software.
  • Openn file in XControl_L23: If a file has been selected, the program calls SPICE_XCONTROL_L23 with this file as input. This opens a new window, showing an overview of the content of the file and options to open, edit or create level 3 data for one or more windows.
  • Print filename to console: If a file has been selected, its full path will be printed in the console.


Search all files

It is possible to let the program search for all SPICE files that you have on your disk. To do this choose the top directory in which all SPICE files are, either using an environmental variable or selecting the path manually. Then activate Ignore times and Search subdirectories and deactivate Use Date-tree-structure in path. This will search all your subdirectories in the top directory and ignore the time window specified.

Saving settings

The last used settings, as well as the recent time windows, are saved in the IDL file spice_xfiles_searches.sav, in the folder returned by APP_USER_DIR, which is a subfolder in the hidden IDL folder, most likely something like ~/.idl/mwiesmann/spice_xfiles/. This file is restored when SPICE_XFILES is called. This file can be deleted without restrictions.