Level 3 FITS file : Extension 0 : Example - ITA-Solar/solo-spice-ql GitHub Wiki

Keywords taken from the main header of the file: solo_L3_spice-n-ras_20231006T142008_V13_218103906-017.fits.

Description of the level 3 keyword header can be found here.

  SIMPLE  =                    T / Written by IDL:  Fri Jan 26 12:00:46 2024      
  BITPIX  =                  -64 / Number of bits per data pixel                  
  NAXIS   =                    3 / Number of data axes                            
  NAXIS1  =                    5 /                                                
  NAXIS2  =                  128 /                                                
  NAXIS3  =                  772 /                                                
  EXTEND  =                    T / FITS data may contain extensions               
  DATE    = '2024-01-26T12:00:46.000' /  Date and time of FITS file creation      
  SOLARNET=                    1 /  Fully/Partially/No SOLARNET compliant (1/0.5/-  
  OBS_HDU =                    2 /  HDU contains SOLARNET Type P data             
  EXTNAME = 'O II 718 - Peak results' /  Extension name                           
  FILENAME= 'solo_L3_spice-n-ras_20231006T142008_V02_218103906-017.fits' /  Filena  
  PGFILENA= 'solo_L2_spice-n-ras_20231006T142008_V05_218103906-017.fits' /  Progen  
  PARENT  = 'solo_L2_spice-n-ras_20231006T142008_V05_218103906-017.fits' /  Parent  
  PGEXTNAM= 'O II 718 - Peak'    /  Extension name in progenitor file             
  RESEXT  = 'O II 718 - Peak results' /  Extension name of results                
  DATAEXT = 'solo_L2_spice-n-ras_20231006T142008_V05_218103906-017.fits;O II 718&'  
  CONTINUE  ' - Peak' / Extension name of data                                    
  XDIMXT1 = '        '           / Extension name of 1st dim absorbed by analysis  
  WGTEXT  = '        '           / Extension name of weights                      
  INCLEXT = '        '           / Extension name of includes                     
  CONSTEXT= '        '           / Extension name of constants                    
  NXDIM   =                    1 /  Number of dimensions absorbed by analysis     
  XDIMTY1 = 'WAVE    '           /  Type of 1st dim absorbed by analysis          
  NWIN    =                    1 /  Number of windows                             
  WINNO   =                    0 /  Win no (starting at 0) within this study in th  
  LEVEL   = 'L3      '           /  Data processing level                         
  VERSION =                   13 /  File version number                           
  DATE-BEG= '2023-10-06T14:20:08.886' /  Beginning of data acquisition            
  INSTRUME= 'SPICE   '           /  Instrument name                               
  OBSRVTRY= 'Solar Orbiter'      /  Observatory name                              
  CREATOR = 'SDP-SPICE'          /  Name of creator                               
       | Keywords describing the whole ANA |                                
  ANA_NCMP=                    2 /  Number of fit components                      
       | Keywords describing fit component 1 |                              
  CMPTYP1 = 'Gaussian'           /  Type of fit component 1                       
  CMPNAM1 = 'AutoGauss 71.74'    /  Name of fit component 1                       
  CMPSTR1 = 'g       '           /  Function string of fit component 1            
  LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0'           / The OGIP long string convention may be used.   
  COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are          
  COMMENT continued over multiple keywords.  This convention uses the  '&'        
  COMMENT character at the end of a string which is then continued                
  COMMENT on subsequent keywords whose name = 'CONTINUE'.                         
  CMPDES1 = 'This component is a single Gaussian, with three parameters,;intensi&'  
  CONTINUE  'ty, position, and width.;The line position is described as a veloci&'  
  CONTINUE  'ty shift in km/s ;relative to the "lab wavelength" (~71.742).;NOTE:&'  
  CONTINUE  ' Having a positive linear transformation A coefficient;means that r&'  
  CONTINUE  'edshifts correspond to a positive velocity, and;a negative A works &'  
  CONTINUE  'the other way around.' /  Description of fit component 1             
  CMPMUL1 =                    0 /  Indicates whether component is multiplicative  
  CMPINC1 =                    1 /  Indicates whether component is included in fit  
  CMP_NP1 =                    3 /  Number of parameters in fit component 1       
  PNAME1A = 'intensity'          /  Name of parameter a for component 1           
  PUNIT1A = 'W/m2/sr/nm'         /  Phys. unit of parameter a for component 1     
  PDESC1A = 'This parameter describes the amplitude of the Gaussian, in the same&'  
  CONTINUE  ';units as the data being fitted&' / Description of parameter a for   
  CONTINUE  '' / component 1                                                      
  PINIT1A =            0.0269848 /  Initial value of parameter a for component 1  
  PMAX1A  =              26.9848 /  Maximum value of parameter a for component 1  
  PMIN1A  =              0.00000 /  Minimum value of parameter a for component 1  
  PTRA1A  =              1.00000 /  Linear coefficient A in Lambda=PVAL*PTRA+PTRB  
  PTRB1A  =              0.00000 /  Linear coefficient B in Lambda=PVAL*PTRA+PTRB  
  PCONS1A =                    0 /  1 if parameter a for component 1 is constant  
  PNAME1B = 'velocity'           /  Name of parameter b for component 1           
  PUNIT1B = 'km/s    '           /  Phys. unit of parameter b for component 1     
  PDESC1B = 'The line position is described as a velocity shift in km/s ;relativ&'  
  CONTINUE  'e to the "lab wavelength" (~71.742).;NOTE: Having a positive linear&'  
  CONTINUE  ' transformation A coefficient;means that redshifts correspond to a &'  
  CONTINUE  'positive velocity, and;a negative A works the other way around.&' /   
  CONTINUE  '' / Description of parameter b for component 1                       
  PINIT1B =              0.00000 /  Initial value of parameter b for component 1  
  PMAX1B  =              150.010 /  Maximum value of parameter b for component 1  
  PMIN1B  =             -150.010 /  Minimum value of parameter b for component 1  
  PTRA1B  =          0.000239140 /  Linear coefficient A in Lambda=PVAL*PTRA+PTRB  
  PTRB1B  =              71.7420 /  Linear coefficient B in Lambda=PVAL*PTRA+PTRB  
  PCONS1B =                    0 /  1 if parameter b for component 1 is constant  
  PNAME1C = 'width   '           /  Name of parameter c for component 1           
  PUNIT1C = 'km/s    '           /  Phys. unit of parameter c for component 1     
  PDESC1C = 'The width of the Gaussian.;Described as the FWHM, when a = 0.5/sqrt&'  
  CONTINUE  '(2*alog(2)) = 0.4246609,;(default), or simply as the w in exp( - (d&'  
  CONTINUE  'eltax/w)^2 * 0.5 ) ;when a = 1&' / Description of parameter c for    
  CONTINUE  '' / component 1                                                      
  PINIT1C =            0.0195312 /  Initial value of parameter c for component 1  
  PMAX1C  =            0.0595312 /  Maximum value of parameter c for component 1  
  PMIN1C  =            0.0380316 /  Minimum value of parameter c for component 1  
  PTRA1C  =             0.424661 /  Linear coefficient A in Lambda=PVAL*PTRA+PTRB  
  PTRB1C  =              0.00000 /  Linear coefficient B in Lambda=PVAL*PTRA+PTRB  
  PCONS1C =                    0 /  1 if parameter c for component 1 is constant  
       | Keywords describing fit component 2 |                              
  CMPTYP2 = 'Polynomial'         /  Type of fit component 2                       
  CMPNAM2 = 'Background'         /  Name of fit component 2                       
  CMPSTR2 = 'p0      '           /  Function string of fit component 2            
  CMPDES2 = 'This component is a polynomial of degree 0' /  Description of fit com  
  CMPMUL2 =                    0 /  Indicates whether component is multiplicative  
  CMPINC2 =                    1 /  Indicates whether component is included in fit  
  CMP_NP2 =                    1 /  Number of parameters in fit component 2       
  PNAME2A = 'c0      '           /  Name of parameter a for component 2           
  PUNIT2A = 'W/m2/sr/nm'         /  Phys. unit of parameter a for component 2     
  PDESC2A = 'This is the coefficient for x^0' /  Description of parameter a for co  
  PINIT2A =           0.00289311 /  Initial value of parameter a for component 2  
  PMAX2A  =              30000.0 /  Maximum value of parameter a for component 2  
  PMIN2A  =              0.00000 /  Minimum value of parameter a for component 2  
  PTRA2A  =              1.00000 /  Linear coefficient A in Lambda=PVAL*PTRA+PTRB  
  PTRB2A  =              0.00000 /  Linear coefficient B in Lambda=PVAL*PTRA+PTRB  
  PCONS2A =                    0 /  1 if parameter a for component 2 is constant  
       | Keywords describing fit component 3 |                              
  CMPTYP3 = 'Polynomial'         /  Type of component 3                           
  CMPNAM3 = 'Error of fit curve (Chi^2)' /  Name of component 3                   
  CMP_NP3 =                    1 /  Number of parameters in component 3           
  PNAME3A = 'Chi^2   '           /  Name of parameter a for component 3           
       | World Coordinate System (WCS) keywords |                           
  WCSNAME = 'Helioprojective-cartesian' / Name of coordinate system                                            
  LONPOLE =        180.000000000 /                                                
  SPECSYS = 'TOPOCENT'           / Spectral coord. not corrected for S/C velocity                                               
  VELOSYS =        0.00000000000 / [m/s] Default for SPECSYS='TOPOCENT'                                               
  CTYPE1  = 'FIT PARAMETER'      /  Type of 1st coordinate                        
  CNAME1  = 'Parameter'          /  Name of 1st coordinate                        
  CUNIT1  = '        '           /  Units for 1st coordinate (for CRVAL1, CDELT1)  
  CRVAL1  =              1.00000 /  [] 1st coordinate of reference point          
  CDELT1  =              1.00000 /  [] Increment of 1st coord at ref point        
  CRPIX1  =              1.00000 /  [pixel] 1st pixel index of reference point    
  PC1_1   =        1.00000000000 /  Contribution of dim 1 to coord 1              
  CTYPE2  = 'HPLN-TAN'           /  Type of 2nd coordinate                        
  CNAME2  = 'Helioprojective longitude (Solar X), increases towards Solar West' /  
  CUNIT2  = 'arcsec  '           /  Units for 2nd coordinate (for CRVAL2, CDELT2)  
  CRVAL2  =        804.994291442 /  [arcsec] 2nd coordinate of reference point    
  CDELT2  =        4.00000000000 /  [arcsec] Increment of 2nd coord at ref point  
  CRPIX2  =        64.5000000000 /  [pixel] 2nd pixel index of reference point    
  PC2_2   =       0.992262786240 /  Contribution of dim 2 to coord 2              
  PC2_3   =     -0.0340806569624 /  Contribution of dim 3 to coord 2              
  CTYPE3  = 'HPLT-TAN'           /  Type of 3rd coordinate                        
  CNAME3  = 'Helioprojective latitude (Solar Y), increases towards Solar North' /  
  CUNIT3  = 'arcsec  '           /  Units for 3rd coordinate (for CRVAL3, CDELT3)  
  CRVAL3  =        3.06615833495 /  [arcsec] 3rd coordinate of reference point    
  CDELT3  =        1.09800000000 /  [arcsec] Increment of 3rd coord at ref point  
  CRPIX3  =        386.500000000 /  [pixel] 3rd pixel index of reference point    
  PC3_2   =       0.452296534682 /  Contribution of dim 2 to coord 3              
  PC3_3   =       0.992262786240 /  Contribution of dim 3 to coord 3              
  CTYPE4  = 'UTC     '           /  Type of 4th coordinate                        
  CNAME4  = 'Time (Degenerate Dimension)' /  Name of 4th coordinate               
  CUNIT4  = 's       '           /  Units for 4th coordinate (for CRVAL4, CDELT4)  
  CRVAL4  =        655.875000000 /  [s] 4th coordinate of reference point         
  CDELT4  =        1.00000000000 /  [s] Increment of 4th coord at ref point       
  CRPIX4  =        1.00000000000 /  [pixel] 4th pixel index of reference point    
  PC4_2   =       -10.2500000000 /  Contribution of dim 2 to coord 4              
  PC4_4   =        1.00000000000 /  Contribution of dim 4 to coord 4              
  BTYPE   = 'Fit Parameter'      /  Type of data                                  
  BTYPE   = 'stat.fit.param'     /  Unified Content Descriptors v1.23                                  
  BUNIT   = '        '           /  Units of the data                             
       | Processing steps |                                                 
  PRSTEP1 = 'COMPRESSION'        /   Type of processing, step 1                   
  PRPROC1 = 'JPEG Compression (On-board)' /   Name of procedure, step 1           
  PRSTEP2 = 'TELEMETRY-PARSING'  /   XML decoding, decompression if applicable, et  
  PRPROC2 = 'spice_process_telemetry.pro' /   Name of procedure, step 2           
  PRPVER2 = '03.06.01'           /   Version of procedure, step 2                 
  PRLIB2A = 'uio-spice-pipeline' /   Software library containing PRPROC2          
  PRSTEP3 = 'PIXEL-LEVEL-OFFSET-SUBTRACTION' /   Type of processing, step 3       
  PRPROC3 = 'spice_l0_to_l1.pro' /   Name of procedure, step 3                    
  PRPVER3 = '03.06.01'           /   Version of procedure, step 3                 
  PRPARA3 =                  200 /   Parameters for PRPROC3                       
  PRLIB3A = 'uio-spice-pipeline' /   Software library containing PRPROC3          
  PRSTEP4 = 'SPATIAL-COORDINATE-CORRECTION-X' /   Type of processing, step 4      
  PRPROC4 = 'correct_spice_offset_relative_to_spacecraft' /   Name of procedure, s  
  PRPVER4 = '1.0     '           /   Version of procedure, step 4                 
  PRPARA4 = 'delta_instrument_x=-65.231546' /   =T_GRAT*0.46-85.0, param for PRPRO  
  PRLIB4A = 'uio-spice-pipeline' /   Software library containing PRPROC4          
  PRSTEP5 = 'SPATIAL-COORDINATE-CORRECTION-Y' /   Type of processing, step 5      
  PRPROC5 = 'correct_spice_offset_relative_to_spacecraft' /   Name of procedure, s  
  PRPVER5 = '1.0     '           /   Version of procedure, step 5                 
  PRPARA5 = 'delta_instrument_y=-72.4' /   =constant, parameter for PRPROC5       
  PRLIB5A = 'uio-spice-pipeline' /   Software library containing PRPROC5          
  PRSTEP6 = 'DARK-SUBTRACTION'   /   Type of processing, step 6                   
  PRPROC6 = 'spice_prep_dark_offset_correction.pro' /   Name of procedure, step 6  
  PRPVER6 = '1.9     '           /   Version of procedure, step 6                 
  PRPARA6 = 'SPIOBSID_of_dark=218104052                                         &'  
  CONTINUE  'RASTERNO_of_dark=0' /   Parameters for PRPROC6                       
  PRLIB6A = 'uio-spice-pipeline' /   Software library containing PRPROC6          
  PRSTEP7 = 'FLATFIELDING'       /   Type of processing, step 7                   
  PRPROC7 = 'spice_prep_flat_field_correction.pro' /   Name of procedure, step 7  
  PRPVER7 = '1.4     '           /   Version of procedure, step 7                 
  PRPARA7 = 'ground-calibration flat field' /   Parameters for PRPROC7            
  PRLIB7A = 'uio-spice-pipeline' /   Software library containing PRPROC7          
  PRSTEP8 = 'BURN-IN-CORRECTION' /   Type of processing, step 8                   
  PRPROC8 = 'spice_prep_burnin_correction.pro' /   Name of procedure, step 8      
  PRPVER8 = '1.2     '           /   Version of procedure, step 8                 
  PRPARA8 = 'burn-in correction data version: 2023-06-15' /   Parameters for PRPRO  
  PRLIB8A = 'uio-spice-pipeline' /   Software library containing PRPROC8          
  PRPROC9 = 'spice_prep_distortion_correction.pro' /   Name of procedure, step 9  
  PRPVER9 = '2.3     '           /   Version of procedure, step 9                 
  PRPARA9 = 'distortion correction matrix version: 2021-09-08' /   Parameters for  
  PRLIB9A = 'uio-spice-pipeline' /   Software library containing PRPROC9          
  PRSTEP10= 'RADIOMETRIC-CALIBRATION' /   Type of processing, step 10             
  PRPROC10= 'spice_prep_radiometric_calibration.pro' /   Name of procedure, step 1  
  PRPVER10= '1.6     '           /   Version of procedure, step 10                
  PRPARA10= 'based on comparison to QS SUMER spectrum' /   Parameters for PRPROC10  
  PRLIB10A= 'uio-spice-pipeline' /   Software library containing PRPROC10         
  PRSTEP11= 'PEAK-FINDING'       /  Processing step type, step 11                 
  PRPROC11= 'spice_gt_peaks'     /  Name of procedure performing PRSTEP11         
  PRPVER11=                    1 /  Version of procedure PRPROC11                 
  PRLIB11 = 'solarsoft/so/spice/idl/quicklook' /  Software library containing PRPR  
  PRSTEP12= 'LINE-FITTING'       /  Processing step type, step 12                 
  PRPROC12= 'spice_data::create_l3_file' /  Name of procedure performing PRSTEP12  
  PRPVER12=                    8 /  Version of procedure PRPROC12                 
  PRLIB12 = 'solarsoft/so/spice/idl/quicklook' /  Software library containing PRPR  
  PRPARA12= 'LINE_LIST = 0,                                                     &'  
  CONTINUE  'MASKING   = 1,                                                     &'  
  CONTINUE  'FITTING   = 1,                                                     &'  
  CONTINUE  'POSITION  = 0,                                                     &'  
  CONTINUE  'VELOCITY  = -999,                                                  &'  
  CONTINUE  'POSSIBLE_MANUAL_EDITING = 0' /  Parameters for PRPROC12              
  PRENV2  = 'Kernel: Linux                                                      &'  
  CONTINUE  'Kernel release number: 3.10.0-1160.90.1.el7.x86_64                 &'  
  CONTINUE  'Architecture: x86_64                                               &'  
  CONTINUE  'Host name: astro-sdc-fs.uio.no                                     &'  
  CONTINUE  'OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 (Maipo)            &'  
  CONTINUE  'CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630L v4 @ 1.80GHz                    &'  
  CONTINUE  'IDL 8.8.2 (Apr 06 2022 (430118)), memory bits: 64, file offset bits&'  
  CONTINUE  ': 64      ' /   Hardware and software                                
  COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy   
  COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode 2001A&A...376..359H    
  HISTORY process_request.pro                                                     
  HISTORY spice_process_telemetry.pro                                             
  HISTORY spice_l0_to_l1.pro                                                      
  HISTORY spice_prep.pro                                                          
  HISTORY ANA:  > SPICE_CREATE_L3_DRIVER > SPICE_DATA::CREATE_L3_FILE