Level 2 FITS file - ITA-Solar/solo-spice-ql GitHub Wiki

Keywords taken from the main header of the file: solo_L2_spice-n-ras_20220326T031318_V01_100663899-000.fits.

SIMPLE = T / Written by IDL: Wed Mar 30 18:10:01 2022
BITPIX = -32 / Real*4 (floating point)
NAXIS = 4 / Number of dimensions
NAXIS1 = 128 / Number of slit positions (x)
NAXIS2 = 830 / Number of pixels along slit (y)
NAXIS3 = 80 / Number of pixels in dispersion dimension
NAXIS4 = 1 / Number of exposures per slit position (time)
EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
DATE = '2022-03-30T18:10:01' / Date and time of FITS file creation

EXTNAME = 'O III 703 / Mg IX 706 - SH' / Extension name
FILENAME= 'solo_L2_spice-n-ras_20220326T031318_V01_100663899-000.fits' / Filenam

       | Study parameters valid for all Obs-HDUs in this file |             

STUDYTYP= 'Raster ' / Sit-and-stare, Raster or Single Exposure
STUDYDES= 'Dynamic fast for CH Boundary Expansion SOOP.' / Study description
STUDY = 'SCI_DYN-FAST_SC_SL04_5.0S_FF' / SPICE Study name
OBS_TYPE= 'UMoa ' / Unique code for OBS_MODE
AUTHOR = 'Alessandra Giunta' / Author of study
OBS_ID = 'SSPI_0600_LB1_111_UMoa_11b' / SOC Observation ID
SPIOBSID= 100663899 / SPICE Observation ID (hex 600025b)
OBS_DESC= ' ' / Observation description
PURPOSE = 'Science ' / Purpose of study (Science/Calibration/Checkout)
READMODE= 'Destructive' / Destructive or non-destructive
TRIGGERD= 'None ' / Event that triggered observation
TARGET = 'None ' / Planned type of target
SOOPNAME= 'L_BOTH_HRES_LCAD_CH-Boundary-Expansion' / SOOP Campaign name(s)
SOOPTYPE= 'LB1 ' / SOOP Campaign name code(s)
STP = 195 / SoLO Short-Term Plan number
SETFILE = 'flt10-study-set.xml' / Study Set (study definitions) filename
SETVER = 19 / Study Set version
APID = 1404 / Application Process ID
NRASTERS= 15 / Number of planned rasters for this SPIOBSID
RASTERNO= 0 / Raster number (starting at 0)
STUDY_ID= 15 / On-board Study ID slot (0-63)
MISOSTUD= 2112 / Ground study ID used in MISO planning tool
XSTART = 316 / [arcsec] Slit instr. x rel. to instr. boresight
XPOSURE = 5.00000 / [s] Total effective exposure time
FOCUSPOS= 12195 / Focus position
NSEGMENT= 4 / Number of segments per window
NWIN = 8 / Total number of windows (incl. db and int win)
NWIN_PRF= 8 / Number of windows not dumbbell or Intensity
NWIN_DUM= 0 / Number of dumbbell windows
NWIN_INT= 0 / Number of Intensity-windows

       | Other keywords valid for all Obs-HDUs in this file |               

TIMESYS = 'UTC ' / TIMESYS included for readability
DATEREF = '2022-03-26T03:13:18.798' / [UTC] Zero point of time coordinate
DATE-BEG= '2022-03-26T03:13:18.798' / [UTC] Beginning of data acquisition
DATE-OBS= '2022-03-26T03:13:18.798' / [UTC] Equals DATE-BEG
DATE-AVG= '2022-03-26T03:18:54.797' / [UTC] Data acquisition midpoint
DATE-END= '2022-03-26T03:24:30.549' / [UTC] End of data acquisition
SEQ_BEG = '2022-03-26T03:13:19' / [UTC] Approximated start of observation series
TELAPSE = 671.750999928 / [s] Elapsed time between beg. and end of acqu.
OBT_BEG = 701579486.601 / Start acquisition time in OBT
LEVEL = 'L2 ' / Data processing level
CREATOR = 'SDP-SPICE' / Name of pipeline
ORIGIN = 'University of Oslo' / Name of institution
VERS_SW = '3253 ' / UiO SVN revision number of L2 pipeline
VERS_CAL= '3149 ' / UiO SVN revision number of calibration software
VERSION = '01 ' / Incremental file version number
COMPLETE= 'C ' / Complete data set
OBSRVTRY= 'Solar Orbiter' / Observatory Name
INSTRUME= 'SPICE ' / Instrument name
CROTA = 4.29521755421 / [deg] S/C counter-clockwise roll rel to Solar N

       | STUDYFLG and its derived keywords |                                

STUDYFLG= 0 / Study flags
NOSPECTR= 0 / Applies only to dumbbells
CALMODE = 0 / Applies only to full frame readouts
DBLEXP = 0 / If set, double exposure is enabled
DBLEXPNO= 0 / Applies only when DBLEXP=1
DARKMAP = 0 / If set, a dark map was subtracted on-board
BLACKLEV= 0 / If set, a bias frame was subtracted on-board

       | Keywords valid for this HDU (WINDOW0_70.25) |                      

WIN_TYPE= 'Narrow-slit Spectral' / Description of window type
DATAPROD= 'Narrow-slit Spectral Raster' / WIN_TYPE+STUDYTYP
TELESCOP= 'SOLO/SPICE/SW' / Telescope/Sensor name/Detector array name
DETECTOR= 'SW ' / Detector array name
WINNO = 0 / Window number (starting at 0) within this study
WINTABID= 80 / Index in on-board window data table (0-255)
MISOWIN = 2905 / Ground window ID used in MISO planning tool
WINSHIFT= -7 / [pixel] Win redshift rel to win 2905 base pos.
SLIT_ID = 2 / Slit ID (0-3)
SLIT_WID= 4 / [arcsec] Slit width
DUMBBELL= 0 / 0/1/2: not a dumbbell/lower dumbbel/upper dumbb

WAVEUNIT= -9 / Power of 10 by which the metre is multiplied
WAVEREF = 'vacuum ' / Wavelengths are given in vacuum
WAVEMIN = 69.9911062000 / [nm] Left edge of first read detector pixel
WAVEMAX = 70.7712422000 / [nm] Right edge of last read detector pixel
WINWIDTH= 0.780136000000 / [nm] Window width

BTYPE = 'Spectral Radiance' / Type of data
UCD = 'phot.radiance;em.line' / Unified Content Descriptors v1.23
BUNIT = 'W/m2/sr/nm' / Physical units of calibrated data
RCALAVG = 124.265642770 / [(DN/s)/(W/m2/sr/nm)] Avg detector calib factor
NTOTPIX = 6170240 / Number of potentially usable pixels excl padded
NSATPIX = 0 / Number of fully saturated pixels
NDATAPIX= 6170240 / Number of usable pixels excl padded/NaN/NSATPIX
DATAMIN = -1.08586 / [W/m2/sr/nm] Minimum data value
DATAMAX = 33.3104 / [W/m2/sr/nm] Maximum data value
DATAMEAN= 0.0336536 / [W/m2/sr/nm] Mean data value
DATAMEDN= 0.0278936 / [W/m2/sr/nm] Median data value
DATAP01 = -0.111051 / [W/m2/sr/nm] 1st percentile of data values
DATAP10 = -0.0440670 / [W/m2/sr/nm] 10th percentile of data values
DATAP25 = -0.00978975 / [W/m2/sr/nm] 25th percentile of data values
DATAP75 = 0.0686947 / [W/m2/sr/nm] 75th percentile of data values
DATAP90 = 0.112755 / [W/m2/sr/nm] 90th percentile of data values
DATAP95 = 0.146456 / [W/m2/sr/nm] 95th percentile of data values
DATAP98 = 0.200035 / [W/m2/sr/nm] 98th percentile of data values
DATAP99 = 0.255795 / [W/m2/sr/nm] 99th percentile of data values
DATARMS = 0.0766728 / [W/m2/sr/nm] sqrt(sum((data-DATAMEAN)^2)/N)
DATANRMS= 2.27829 / Normalised RMS dev: DATARMS/DATAMEAN
DATAMAD = 0.0513122 / [W/m2/sr/nm] MeanAbsDev sum(abs(data-DATAMEAN))
DATASKEW= 26.0408 / Data skewness
DATAKURT= 8035.28 / Data kurtosis

NPACKETS= 768 / Number of packets with observational data

LOSTPKTS= 0 / Number of lost packets w/data, variable keyword
LOSTBINS= 0 / Applies only to SHC-compressed data


NLOSTCHK= 0 / Number of lost checksum packets
NFAILCHK= 0 / Number of checksums failed
NLOSTPIX= 0 / Number of lost pixels
NAPRXPLN= 0 / Number of approximated X-Y plane sections
NLOSTPLN= 0 / Number of lost X-Y plane sections

PXBEG1 = 128 / [pixel] First read-out pixel in X dimension
PXEND1 = 1 / [pixel] Last read-out pixel in X dimension
PXBEG2 = 101 / [pixel] First read-out pixel in Y dimension
PXEND2 = 868 / [pixel] Last read-out pixel in Y dimension
PXBEG3 = 44 / [pixel] First read-out pixel in dispersion dim.
PXEND3 = 107 / [pixel] Last read-out pixel in dispersion dim.
PXBEG4 = 1 / [pixel] First read-out pixel in time dimension
PXEND4 = 1 / [pixel] Last read-out pixel in time dimension

NBIN1 = 1 / Binning factor in X dimension
NBIN2 = 1 / Binning factor in Y dimension
NBIN3 = 1 / Binning factor in dispersion dimension
NBIN4 = 1 / Binning factor in time dimension
NBIN = 1 / Total binning factor

COMPRESS= 'Spatial Lossy' / JPEG Compression description
COMP_RAT= 4.00000 / Compression ratio decompressed/compressed
COMPTYPE= 6 / Compression type (0-7)
COMPPARA= 64 / Compression amount parameter (0-255)
SHCFFTID= 0 / Applies only to SHC-compressed data

       | World Coordinate System (WCS) keywords |                           

WCSNAME = 'Helioprojective-cartesian' / Name of coordinate system
LONPOLE = 180.000 / [deg] Native longitude of celestial pole
SPECSYS = 'TOPOCENT' / Spectral coord. not corrected for S/C velocity
VELOSYS = 0.00000 / [m/s] Default for SPECSYS='TOPOCENT'

CTYPE1 = 'HPLN-TAN' / Type of 1st coordinate
CNAME1 = 'Helioprojective longitude (Solar X), increases towards Solar West' /
CUNIT1 = 'arcsec ' / Units for 1st coordinate (for CRVAL1, CDELT1)
CRVAL1 = -15.8481256957 / [arcsec] 1st coordinate of reference point
CDELT1 = 4 / [arcsec] Increment of 1st coord at ref point
CRPIX1 = 64.5000 / [pixel] 1st pixel index of reference point
PC1_1 = 0.997191388483 / Non-default value due to CROTA degrees S/C roll
PC1_2 = -0.0205588125801 / Contribution of dim 2 to coord 1 due to roll

CTYPE2 = 'HPLT-TAN' / Type of 2nd coordinate
CNAME2 = 'Helioprojective latitude (Solar Y), increases towards Solar North' /
CUNIT2 = 'arcsec ' / Units for 2nd coordinate (for CRVAL2, CDELT2)
CRVAL2 = -69.3818197508 / [arcsec] 2nd coordinate of reference point
CDELT2 = 1.09800000000 / [arcsec] Increment of 2nd coord at ref point
CRPIX2 = 415.500 / [pixel] 2nd pixel index of reference point
PC2_1 = 0.272843322751 / Contribution of dim 1 to coord 2 due to roll
PC2_2 = 0.997191388483 / Non-default value due to CROTA degrees S/C roll

CTYPE3 = 'WAVE ' / Type of 3rd coordinate
CNAME3 = 'Wavelength' / Description of 3rd coordinate
CUNIT3 = 'nm ' / Units for 3rd coordinate (for CRVAL3, CDELT3)
CRVAL3 = 70.3811742000 / [nm] 3rd coordinate of reference point
CDELT3 = 0.00975170000000 / [nm] Increment of 3rd coord at ref point
CRPIX3 = 40.5000 / [pixel] 3rd pixel index of reference point
PC3_3 = 1.00000 / Default value, no rotation

CTYPE4 = 'UTC ' / Type of 4th coordinate
CNAME4 = 'Time (Degenerate Dimension)' / Description of 4th coordinate
CUNIT4 = 's ' / Units for 4th coordinate (for CRVAL4, CDELT4)
CRVAL4 = 335.875000000 / [s] 4th coord of ref point, relative to DATEREF
CDELT4 = 1.00000000000 / [s] Degenerate dimension; default value
CRPIX4 = 1.00000 / [pixel] 4th pixel index of reference point
PC4_4 = 1.00000 / Default value, no rotation
PC4_1 = -5.25000000000 / Contribution of dimension 1 to coordinate 4

       | Auxiliary data and reference to bintab with variable keywords |    

CONTINUE '' / Variable keywords
TIMAQOBT= 701579819.976 / [OBT] Average Start time of data acquisition
MIRRPOS = 37704.8 / [adu] Average Scan mirror position
TN_FOCUS= 1618.87 / [adu] Average SFM focus temperature
TN_GRAT = 1338.02 / [adu] Average SFM grating temperature
TN_SW = 2778.97 / [adu] Average HAS SW temperature
TN_LW = 2778.90 / [adu] Average HAS LW temperature
T_FOCUS = 23.7919 / [Celsius] Average SFM focus temperature
T_GRAT = 33.5658 / [Celsius] Average SFM grating temperature
T_SW = -20.0061 / [Celsius] Average HAS SW temperature
T_LW = -20.0042 / [Celsius] Average HAS LW temperature
VN_MCPSW= 2702 / [adu] Average MCP SW voltage
VN_MCPLW= 2584 / [adu] Average MCP LW voltage
VN_GAPSW= 2930 / [adu] Average GAP SW voltage
VN_GAPLW= 2928 / [adu] Average GAP LW voltage
V_MCPSW = 896 / [V] Average MCP SW voltage
V_MCPLW = 848 / [V] Average MCP LW voltage
V_GAPSW = 2787 / [V] Average GAP SW voltage
V_GAPLW = 2785 / [V] Average GAP LW voltage
TIMAQUTC= '2022-03-26T03:18:52.174' / [UTC] Average Start t. of data acquisition

       | Keywords describing processing steps |                             

PRSTEP1 = 'COMPRESSION' / Type of processing, step 1
PRPROC1 = 'JPEG Compression (On-board)' / Name of procedure, step 1

PRSTEP2 = 'TELEMETRY-PARSING' / XML decoding, decompression if applicable, etc
PRPROC2 = 'spice_process_telemetry.pro' / Name of procedure, step 2
PRPVER2 = '02.07.00' / Version of procedure, step 2
PRLIB2A = 'uio_spice_pipeline' / Software library containing PRPROC2

PRSTEP3 = 'DARK-SUBTRACTION' / Type of processing, step 3
PRPROC3 = 'spice_prep_dark_offset_correction.pro' / Name of procedure, step 3
PRPVER3 = '1.3 ' / Version of procedure, step 3
PRPARA3 = 'dark_spiobsid=100663817' / Parameters for PRPROC3
PRLIB3A = 'uio-spice-pipeline' / Software library containing PRPROC3

PRSTEP4 = 'FLATFIELDING' / Type of processing, step 4
PRPROC4 = 'spice_prep_flat_field_correction.pro' / Name of procedure, step 4
PRPVER4 = '1.2 ' / Version of procedure, step 4
PRPARA4 = 'ground-calibration flat field' / Parameters for PRPROC4
PRLIB4A = 'uio-spice-pipeline' / Software library containing PRPROC4

PRPROC5 = 'spice_prep_distortion_correction.pro' / Name of procedure, step 5
PRPVER5 = '2.2 ' / Version of procedure, step 5
PRPARA5 = 'distortion correction matrix version: 2021-09-08' / Parameters for PR
PRLIB5A = 'uio-spice-pipeline' / Software library containing PRPROC5

PRSTEP6 = 'RADIOMETRIC-CALIBRATION' / Type of processing, step 6
PRPROC6 = 'spice_prep_radiometric_calibration.pro' / Name of procedure, step 6
PRPVER6 = '1.3 ' / Version of procedure, step 6
PRPARA6 = 'based on comparison to QS SUMER spectrum' / Parameters for PRPROC6
PRLIB6A = 'uio-spice-pipeline' / Software library containing PRPROC6

PRSTEP7 = 'WINDOW-CONCATENATION' / Type of processing, step 7
PRPROC7 = 'spice_prep.pro' / Name of procedure, step 7
PRPVER7 = '3253 ' / Version of procedure, step 7
PRPARA7 = 'WINNO_of_concatenated_windows=0,1' / Parameters for PRPROC7
PRLIB7A = 'uio-spice-pipeline' / Software library containing PRPROC7

       | Hardware and software processing environment  |                    

LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The OGIP long string convention may be used.
COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are
COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. This convention uses the '&'
COMMENT character at the end of a string which is then continued
COMMENT on subsequent keywords whose name = 'CONTINUE'.
PRENV2 = ' Kernel: Linux &'
CONTINUE ' Kernel release number: 3.10.0-1160.36.2.el7.x86_64 &'
CONTINUE ' Architecture: x86_64 &'
CONTINUE ' Host name: astro-sdc-fs.uio.no &'
CONTINUE ' OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 (Maipo) &'
CONTINUE ' CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630L v4 @ 1.80GHz &'
CONTINUE ' IDL 8.5 (Jul 7 2015), memory bits: 64, file offset bits: 64 &'
CONTINUE '' / Hardware and software

       | SOLARNET keywords, and additional keywords |                       

SOLARNET= 0.500000 / Fully/Partially/No SOLARNET compliant (1/0.5/-1
OBS_HDU = 1 / HDU contains observational data (1) or not (0)
PARENT = 'solo_L1_spice-n-ras_20220326T031318_V01_100663899-000.fits' / L1 file
FILE_RAW= 'sc_2022_03_25.xml;sc_2022_03_26.xml' / Telemetry file
INFO_URL= 'https://spice.ias.u-psud.fr/' / URL to additional information

       | Solar Ephemeris Keywords |                                         

DSUN_OBS= 48276412156.5 / [m] S/C distance from Sun
DSUN_AU = 0.322707897602 / [AU] S/C distance from Sun
RSUN_ARC= 2972.22756407 / [arcsec] Apparent photospheric Solar radius
RSUN_REF= 6.95700E+08 / [m] Assumed photospheric Solar radius
SOLAR_B0= -0.570893612365 / [deg] Tilt angle of Solar North toward S/C
SOLAR_P0= -13.3895213440 / [deg] S/C Celestial North to Solar North angle
SOLAR_EP= -7.25208411337 / [deg] S/C Ecliptic North to Solar North angle
CAR_ROT = 2255 / Carrington rotation number
HGLT_OBS= -0.570893612365 / [deg] S/C Heliographic latitude (B0 angle)
HGLN_OBS= 70.4835666020 / [deg] S/C Heliographic longitude
CRLT_OBS= -0.570893612365 / [deg] S/C Carrington latitude (B0 angle)
CRLN_OBS= 184.725705891 / [deg] S/C Carrington longitude (L0 angle)
HEEX_OBS= 16069799226.3 / [m] S/C Heliocentric Earth Ecliptic X
HEEY_OBS= 45520794131.8 / [m] S/C Heliocentric Earth Ecliptic Y
HEEZ_OBS= -480442653.487 / [m] S/C Heliocentric Earth Ecliptic Z
HCIX_OBS= -48274015289.6 / [m] S/C Heliocentric Inertial X
HCIY_OBS= -6422470.12471 / [m] S/C Heliocentric Inertial Y
HCIZ_OBS= -481016918.233 / [m] S/C Heliocentric Inertial Z
HCIX_VOB= 864.208956156 / [m/s] S/C Heliocentric Inertial X Velocity
HCIY_VOB= -64400.3702091 / [m/s] S/C Heliocentric Inertial Y Velocity
HCIZ_VOB= 4845.65691517 / [m/s] S/C Heliocentric Inertial Z Velocity
HAEX_OBS= 62729.2694509 / [m] S/C Heliocentric Aries Ecliptic X
HAEY_OBS= -15021.1878436 / [m] S/C Heliocentric Aries Ecliptic Y
HAEZ_OBS= -3322.28852590 / [m] S/C Heliocentric Aries Ecliptic Z
HEQX_OBS= 16127248535.1 / [m] S/C Heliocentric Earth Equatorial X
HEQY_OBS= 45500466460.4 / [m] S/C Heliocentric Earth Equatorial Y
HEQZ_OBS= -481016918.233 / [m] S/C Heliocentric Earth Equatorial Z
GSEX_OBS= 133139855662. / [m] S/C Geocentric Solar Ecliptic X
GSEY_OBS= -45520794131.8 / [m] S/C Geocentric Solar Ecliptic Y
GSEZ_OBS= -480442653.487 / [m] S/C Geocentric Solar Ecliptic Z
OBS_VR = -903.879877702 / [m/s] Radial velocity of S/C away from the Sun
EAR_TDEL= 336.677057873 / [s] Time(Sun to Earth)-Time(Sun to S/C)
SUN_TIME= 161.032777404 / [s] Time(Sun centre to S/C)
DATE_EAR= '2022-03-26T03:18:55.475' / [UTC] DATE-BEG + EAR_TDEL
DATE_SUN= '2022-03-26T03:10:37.765' / [UTC] DATE-BEG - SUN_TIME

       | Keywords describing window placement on destretched detector |     

PXPOS2 = 512.500 / [pixel] Central pixel in Y dimension
PXPOS3 = 88.5000 / [pixel] Central pixel in dispersion dimension

       | HISTORY and checksums |                                            

HISTORY process_request.pro
HISTORY spice_process_telemetry.pro
HISTORY spice_l0_to_l1.pro
HISTORY spice_prep.pro
DATASUM = '1490388700' / data unit checksum created 2022-03-30T16:10:15
CHECKSUM= 'i9ahk8Xei8aei8Ue' / HDU checksum created 2022-03-30T16:10:15