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Wiki > Galils Under SECI

Move for GPHI on CRISP

This is based on a theoretical move from 0 to 2.4, it is assumed that the encoder and motor are 'equal'.

This was based on the settings for GPHI on CRISP, which are as follows:

Setting Value
Axis G
Acceleration 4096
Deceleration 4096
Speed 2048
Motor steps per unit 1600
Used True
Motor Type 2
De-energise False
Encoder Present True
Encoder Steps per Unit 1000
Forward Backlash 0
Backward Backlash -0.2
Correct Motion True
Set-point Deadband 0.000625
Dual Position Stage False
Move Call
Positional Accuracy 0.000625
After Move
Before Move
State Commands sent to Galil Values
Init Corrections = 0
Setpoint = 2.4
Position = 0
Send Setup <pre>g_spG = -3840
PRG = 0
DPG = 0
MTG = -2
ACG = 4096
DCG = 4096
SPG = 2048
CEG = 0
PT = 1 
PAG = -3840
Begin Motion 3
Wait for Stop 3 Position = 2.4
Setpoint + Correction
PRG = 0 
DPG = -3840
PAG = -3840
ACG = 409
DCG = 409
SPG = 204
Corrections = 1
Begin Motion 4
Wait for Stop 4 Position = 2.4
Check for accuracy
Stop STG
Wait until Stop
Delay before Power Off Wait 0.05s
Power Off SHG
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️