Move Galils Under SECI - ISISComputingGroup/ibex_developers_manual GitHub Wiki

Wiki > Galils Under SECI

The move is undertaken as a state machine, and as such the text below attempts to explain the behaviours. Double line breaks are used to help see the different sets of instructions more easily. Letters in double quotes are commands sent to the Galil. The condition is explained on the left of the --> and the state on the right-hand side. Items in code highlights in the "Condition for next state and Next State" column are code items that happen when those conditions are met. An external stop will interrupt the state machine and go to the Stop state.

State Name Actions in State Condition for next state and Next State
Init First Call --> Idle

New Setpoint --> Send Setup

Stop triggered --> Stop

Otherwise --> State passed from previous run
Idle Send Setup
Send Setup corrections = 0

Calculate the setpoint

hardware set point = user set point - offset - user offset, the user set point is coerced to the user max and min if appropriate, and the hardware set point to the soft max and min if appropriate

g_sp{axis} = motor steps per unit * hardware set point

If stepper motor (If encoder position NaN (Read Encoder Position, "TP" or "RP" based on setup), "PR = 0", "DP = Encoder Readback")

Send motor parameters

Move call != "" --> Galil Program Check

Move Call == "" AND (Dual Position Stage OR (If setpoint > position?forward backlash != 0 : backward backlash != 0)) = True --> Send Setpoint + Backlash

Move Call == "" AND (Dual Position Stage OR (If setpoint > position?forward backlash != 0 : backward backlash != 0)) = False --> Set Point
Send Setpoint + Backlash If Dual Position Stage --> "JG" at Speed, otherwise --> "PT = 1", Setpoint to use = Set Point + moving forward?forward backlash : backward backlash, "PA=Setpoint to use"

correction = 0
Begin Motion 1
Galil Program Check Move Call = "" --> Begin Motion 1

Move Call != "" "PA" to setpoint * motor steps per unit --> Galil Program Complete
Galil Program Complete Thread is executing --> Galil Program Complete

Thread not executing --> Delay before power off
Begin Motion 1 Motor Off (Axis status) is True OR Move in Progress (Axis Status) is False "SH", "BG" Wait for stop 1
Wait for Stop 1 Dual Position Stage AND Move in Progress --> Wait for stop 1

Dual Position Stage AND Move not in Progress --> Delay Before Power Off

Not a Dual Position Stage AND Move in Progress --> Wait for stop 1

Not a Dual Position Stage and Move not in Progress --> Send setpoint + Backlash + Correction
Send Setpoint + Backlash + Correction Encoder Present AND Correct Motion AND (setpoint + (setpoint > old setpoint?forward backlash:backward backlash) - position) < positional accuracy * 1000 Set motor = Encoder, Set setpoint to setpoint + (setpoint > old setpoint?forward backlash:backward backlash --> Begin Motion 2

Encoder Preset AND Correct Motion AND NOT (Absolute of setpoint + (setpoint > old setpoint?forward backlash:backward backlash) - position) < positional accuracy * 1000 --> Delay Before Power Off

Encoder Present AND Correct Motion = False --> Set Point
Begin Motion 2 Motor off or move not in progress "SH", "BG" Wait for Stop 2
Wait for Stop 2 Move in progress --> Wait for Stop 2

Move not in progress --> Set Point
Set Point "PT = 1"

"PA" setpoint
Begin Motion 3
Begin Motion 3 Motor off or move not in progress "SH", "BG" Wait for Stop 3
Wait for Stop 3 Move in progress --> Wait for Stop 3

Move not in progress --> Set Point + Correction
Set Point + Correction corrections + 1 Encoder present = True and correct motion = False --> Delay before Power Off

Encoder Present and Correct Motion and absolute of setpoint - position is not greater than positional accuracy * 1000 --> Delay before Power Off

Encoder Present and Correct Motion and absolute of setpoint - position is greater than positional accuracy * 1000 Set Mtr = Enc ("PR = 0", "DP" = "TP"), "PA" to setpoint, "AC" = quotient of Acceleration/10, "DC" = quotient of Deceleration/10, "SP" = greater of 1 and the quotient of speed/10 --> Begin Motion 4
Begin Motion 4 Motor off or move not in progress "SH", "BG" Wait for Stop 4
Wait for Stop 4 Move in progress --> Wait for Stop 4

Move not in progress --> Check for Accuracy
Check for Accuracy If corrections < 10 AND correct motion AND Encoder Present AND ((Max of positional accuracy/2 and 1/encoder steps per unit) < the absolute of set point - position)) AND (((Max of positional accuracy/2 and 1/encoder steps per unit) * 1000) > the absolute of set point - position)) --> Set Point + Correction

Otherwise --> Stop
Stop If used = True AND If Move Call not "", "HX"

If used = True "ST"
Wait until Stop
Wait until Stop Move in progress --> Wait until stop

Move not in progress --> Delay before Power Off
Delay before Power Off If De-energise = True, "MO", else, "SH"

If Dual Position Stage, "PR = 0", "DP" setpoint, "DE" setpoint

Run any after move code
End Send Setup
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️