AlphaFold_Prediction - I2PC/scipion-courses GitHub Wiki

Getting the initial model with AlphaFold

Summary of AlphaFold2 workflow

  • Presentation

  • Introduction to AlphaFold

  • Alphafold 3

    • Here you can find the advantages of AlphaFold 3 over previous versions
    • Alphafold server form completed with the alpha and beta subunits of the hemoglobin
    • Expected results
  • You can download AlphaFold predictions with SCIPION directly from the EBI AlphaFOld Database (AFDB): prediction: alphafold in chimerax.

  • When Alphafold 3 code is released we will access directly through the protocol of ChimeraX chimerax -alphafold prediction: alphafold in chimerax.

  • The ChimeraX GUI gives you also the option of downloading structures from the AFDB (AlphaFold Data Base) and ESMFold and predictions as well (Tools -> Structure prediction -> AlphaFold).

  • NOTE: The initial processing of AlphaFold predictions can be accomplished with specific Phenix protocols

  • NOTE: Backup link to alphafold 2