Home - HubSpot/python-app-google-groups GitHub Wiki

This app is designed to facilitate self-serve Google Group management from within Slack. Its features include:

  • Private (protected) and Public (unprotected) groups.
  • Join request management, supporting bulk-add and an approval workflow for protected groups.
  • Leave request management.
  • Become owner requesting with an approval workflow.
  • Group creation requesting with an approval workflow.
  • Distinction between IT admins and regular users to bypass/authorise approvals.
  • Full support for group and member email aliases.
  • Audit reporting with exportable CSV data directly from Slack.


There are a number of different credentials required to get this bot to work. Each of these sections describes how to get those credentials and where to put them.

  1. Configuring LDAP credentials
  2. Creating a Google service account
  3. Creating a Slack App
  4. Configure a web server and database
  5. Running in production