Creating a Slack App - HubSpot/python-app-google-groups GitHub Wiki
To add the app to your workspace, you will need to create a Slack App for it. This page covers the required permission scopes and where to find the values for the app configuration.
Create a new app
- Create a new Slack App
- Under OAuth and Permissions -> Bot Token Scopes, the bot needs the following scopes:
- chat:write
- im:read
- im:write
- reactions:read
- reactions:write
- users.profile:read
- At the top of the same page, you can now click "Add to workspace"
- Once you have added to workspace, you can now see your OAuth Access Token (starting with
xoxb-). Copy this into the App's config.json, along with:
- App ID
- Approvals Channel ID (Where requests which require approval can be approved)
- The App Signing Secret, found on the Basic Information page
Configure the app endpoints
Slack now needs to know where to send requests to your bot. There are 2 endpoints that must be configured on the App Builder page.
- Under "Interactivity and Shortcuts", toggle the enable switch and set the Request URL to
- Under "Event Subscription", toggle the enable switch and set the Request URL to
- Also, under "Subscribe to bot events", select
- Also, under "Subscribe to bot events", select