Creating a Slack App - HubSpot/python-app-google-groups GitHub Wiki

To add the app to your workspace, you will need to create a Slack App for it. This page covers the required permission scopes and where to find the values for the app configuration.

Create a new app

  1. Create a new Slack App
  2. Under OAuth and Permissions -> Bot Token Scopes, the bot needs the following scopes:
    1. chat:write
    2. im:read
    3. im:write
    4. reactions:read
    5. reactions:write
    6. users.profile:read
  3. At the top of the same page, you can now click "Add to workspace"
  4. Once you have added to workspace, you can now see your OAuth Access Token (starting with xoxb-). Copy this into the App's config.json, along with:
    1. App ID
    2. Approvals Channel ID (Where requests which require approval can be approved)
    3. The App Signing Secret, found on the Basic Information page

Configure the app endpoints

Slack now needs to know where to send requests to your bot. There are 2 endpoints that must be configured on the App Builder page.

  1. Under "Interactivity and Shortcuts", toggle the enable switch and set the Request URL to
  2. Under "Event Subscription", toggle the enable switch and set the Request URL to
    1. Also, under "Subscribe to bot events", select message.channels and