Kiwi - HelloCrossy/WondersOfTheWorld GitHub Wiki

While this animal has been revealed, it hasn't been added in-game yet. Hang tight, it's coming!

Spawning and taming

Kiwi are a super rare spawn in temperate forest (all), wet forest (northern brown, southern brown greater spotted), biomes. They spawn individually. Male and females are equally likely to spawn, and are not sexually dimorphic.

The kiwi is a fast speed, timid animal.

Kiwis are one of the least difficult animals to capture. Once found, they can be picked up and moved with ease by the player without any tranquilizing or extra items.

Kiwis can be tamed with insectivore kibble.


Exhibit building

(note: exhibit building sections contain a mix of gameplay information and building advice. Not all recommendations are necessary to keep animals happy, fed, and watered, but can help players build a realistic enclosure.)
